Not a troll.
Not a troll.
“White men did not build western civilization”
No offense, but what I said is a fact-unless you don’t believe it was white men who created the constitution. You are the one making stuff up based on your own emotional trite. But I digress. I try not respond to other’s beginning post, but in this case, I had to because of the inaccuracy and RACISM. Not trying to be…
“The last 16 Months have pretty much convinced me that white men and people really are the emotionally weakest people on this planet.”
“The worker who sexually assaulted these children isn’t Black”
“These victims came unaccompanied, and may not have living parents”
“Lebron [sic] James was just interviewed by the dumbest man on television, Don Lemon. He made Lebron look smart, which isn’t easy to do. I like Mike!”
“Schumer and Pelosi all but doubled that increase in black Trump voters themselves when they refused to back Waters after what she said”
That’s good, and good on you. You have done better than me. But that was not what I was talking about. You said, and I quote, “CONSERVE everything for Wealthy WHITE people ONLY! Seriously.”
“You’re on the down low?”
What?! That was not directed at you. It was directed at someone else who was attacking me personally (that I am white) in order to discredit what I was saying. I replied, attack what I said, “Is what I said, true or false”
I know. Unfortunately many people base reality on their opinions. No one looks for the truth. They start with, “I believe”
“CONSERVE everything for Wealthy WHITE people ONLY! Seriously.”
You know it’s funny. Black people like to tell white people that we do not all look alike, because we believe they can’t tell us apart, and yet, people like you dispel that notion. Because you actually believe that we all think alike. Attack my argument and not my person hood. Makes for a better debate
Can you ask Nate Silver, rather than just poll blacks about how they feel about Trump and racism in America. Maybe one day they can do statistics about racism in America i.e. is there a real epidemic of police shooting blacks, why disproportionately do more blacks end up in prison? Are whites more racist than…
Nate Silver is the man
“Trump just keeps lying and breaking laws.”
Lowest black unemployment since 1972. It will change, but in many ways blacks have a racism fetish. Too many blacks love racism and believe that racism is a huge problem in America when statistics (you are a man of statistics) show that it ain’t.
Now why would I use the word, “civil” if I thought you were on my side?