Black conservative

Irresponsible and reckless article. I as a black man am friends with the young man’s father, a man I am proud to call a fellow brother in Christ. His daughter dates a Hispanic young man and attends an Hispanic church. My friend has been taking a hands on approach with his son’s sexual addiction for a while. I knew

Asian chicks are the most sought after among all females and Asian households earn more money than white households. Where is the Asian privilege? Just asking...........

There was a time in Africa and the West Indies, where no self respecting young lady will bring a young man home to meet her father with that MOP on his head. But they see silly black Americans do this, and all is forgotten. It’s all good. 

She’s an American (period) that is why she is here. She came from a failed society. Anyway, CONGRATS! Hopefully she doesn’t preach identity politics, since she is now a walking contradiction

Trump hates dogs

Lyndon B. Johnson (our great white civil rights hero) called the civil rights bill, “the n——r bill” and was a member of the KKK

The facts are that blacks are doing worse (fathers in the households) after the civil rights bill then before. I attribute that to the “sunken place” The Democratic party

Baltimore, where half the force is black, DA is black, city council is black, mayor is black.

Name one. Just name one policy specifically aimed at helping black people or Hispanics, or Native Americans.”

I have used racial slurs. Please anyone. Those in this forum who have NEVER used a racial slur throw the first stone.

I do not run, my friend. I confront head on, and the facts are that the NFL payers are young and dumb, purely driven on emotion as most people on the left are, and have zero facts to back up their make belief grievance.

that’s sad

It was the WHITE REPUBLICANS that were lynched and beaten alongside blacks, not white Democrats

How many blacks got shot in Chicago, Detroit., Baltimore, St. Louis again?

Spike Lee Quote: “Spike Lee: I give interracial couples a look. Daggers. They get uncomfortable when they see me on the street....

There is no such thing as a gender pay gap. The reason why black women don’t make more money, because they are the least educated for high paying professional positions.

There is no such thing as a gender pay gap. The reason why black women don’t make is, because they are the least educated and therefore less professionals. It’s basic math, people

“if you are a man of color, some people will find a way to criticize your efforts.”

If you are living off the government, using welfare as a means of living, then you have no business getting a citizenship.

“if you are a man of color, some people will find a way to criticize your efforts.”