Black conservative

“The KKK has never been accused of chanting “fuck white supremacy” during a klan rally.”

“no one knows who the fuck Candace Owens is. So I’m finding it really hard to believe that a dressed down Candace Owens—she of the prestigious and highly visible job as the communications director”

no one knows who the fuck Candace Owens is. So I’m finding it really hard to believe that a dressed down Candace Owens—she of the prestigious and highly visible job as the communications director”

Hollywood star “moral” standards

So it’s perhaps unsurprising that the launch of I Promise spurred comparisons with the charter and education-reform movements, which prize school choice, voucher systems, and competition.”

Great! A bunch of black guys dumb as dirt that do not know what they are talking about, teaching more dumb as dirt black guys. The racist on the bus goes round and round.

David Duke first ran for the Louisiana Senate as a Democrat from a Baton Rouge district in 1975....but...but....but... I thought the parties switched in the 60's? I guess someone forget to give Duke the memo.

Stacy Abrams says that she will raise taxes if she wins.....HELL NO!!! She ain’t getting my vote here. That is personal for me

This weekend saw 66 people shot in Chicago, but Chicago is not even in the top 20 vs per capital murder rates. Black Lives Matter is responsible for many of these deaths. Many police officers are balled up in fetal positions, afraid of being accused of racism, thereby allowing black thugs to run wild in our plantations

Massachusetts, also Democrat (Blue state)

He’s an imposter president who continues to play the role of imposter, and the president is literally an inside-out”

Fantastic! Thank you for asking

Is not this title a bit homophobic?! Just sayin,

Do you mean, “Breitbart”? if so, you do know that is a Jewish name, right?!

“Proving Donald Trump’s constant criticism of the news media isn’t at all dangerous”

Yahhhh....this is racist

There was no such thing as a Democrat during slavery? Seriously?!

“1. Black people aren’t “6% of the population”

There is no xenophobia in America. People of color come to America everyday LEGALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!