Black conservative

Nazi Germany is not the United States of America. One of the problems of Germany was the waning influence of Martin Luther’s Christian teaching only to be replaced with humanism/evolution, which then paved the way for Germany’s first holocaust “Namibia” only to have a second holocaust “Jews”

Negroes going happily to the slaughter house.

Negroes going happily to the slaughter house.

Negroes going happily to the slaughter house.

Negroes going happily to the slaughter house.

Thank you. I appreciate the kindness on your part.

“The 5,000 children currently serving time in ADULT PRISONS are disproportionately represented by black and brown bodies.”

In Russia? LOL

That is absolutely sad and disgusting, but not surprising in this day and age, especially in the (down low) black community. But the adults that brought the children are ultimately responsible for placing their children in harm’s way.

and it was fun. Thank you

I am not crying. I love debate though. Maybe one day, you and I can go at it. Have a nice day! :-)

Didn’t Trump say to the NFL players, to produce a list of any black person who they believe got railroaded by the system, and that he will put a team to look at it, and if that team finds cause. He will pardon that person

Really??!! I am sure I am the only person to do this.

Anyway thanks for the discussion. Have a great day!

I have lived in 3 countries, and herein the U.S. I have lived in the North and currently in the south. There is no other country for black people than the U.S. Name that country, where I can have the same freedom, lifestyle, room to grow financially?

that was not the point I was making, but ok. Their is no credible evidence for asylum. Syrians refugees Hell yes!!

Have a good day

This entire site uses your same list to show how bad it is in America, and yet I see none of you scurrying over to Europe, and why, because it isn’t credible this country is bad.

“Your country’s just shit dude. Be proud.”

No I mean, what is the difference between parents who beak the law and are sent to prison vs parents (and that we cannot know) who break the law entering the country illegally?