Black conservative

Truth hurts

Jan Brady: Russia...Russia....Russia

Remember the days when Biden was considered a racist? What happened?

“time when the country was harmonious and righteous, and the only scandal was Obama wearing a tan suit.”

Wow! Do you honestly believe that is a sound parallel? What happens if our farmers go out of business vs what happens if we stop protecting career college students incurring mounts of debt? Hmmm...this is a toughie

I have no idea what her decision has to do with color (((palm to face)))

It’s 2018, soon to be 2019 and we are still talking about color?

Putting a price tag on a family

“White House so that they can stop collectively demonizing Islam.”

“White House so that they can stop collectively demonizing Islam.”

Christianity is a white religion?

It figures a black, liberal Democrats would consider protecting the FIRST Amendment as white supremacy. Give your head a shake.

I believe that many blacks are disconnected from reality. The America they see is not a real America. It is the figment of their own imagination. Many blacks and white liberals suffer from a Utopian fantasy. America is the greatest nation in the world for blacks, but many blacks can’t see it, because they do not

It’s not bad out there.

I would imagine it would be the same way to talk to a BLACK racist, an HISPANIC racist, an ASIAN racist etc...etc...

You know that Dixie flag in the photo is really the Democrat’s “Dixiecrats” party’s flag

“By now we all know that Meghan Markle’s white relatives” 

while we are suffering here with our evil stepdad wreaking havoc on our house...”

Why do you blacks continue to defend CRIMINALS!!!??

Heh! Barak. “You didn’t build that”. You gonna share some of those millions you made MR. ONE PERCENT, I mean, How much is too much?Taking care of your brother? Mr. Thy brother’s keeper.