Black conservative

“another judge who has the potential to ruin America for the next 50 years. “

just long enough for righteous America to vote Donald Trump out of office before she retires.”

Memphis, New Orleans and Baltimore. All under Democratic leadership, and the crime rate....well...the crime rate let’s just say, you wouldn’t want to live there.

Remember when Donald Trump referred to black countries as “shitholes”

LOL....Cannot argue with this one

C.S. Lewis coined the term, “chronological snobbery” It is easy to judge others of the past based on our own modern sensibilities.

“The Value of Shaming” The bible calls it,self righteousness”

Like I said. That is YOUR interpretation. I cannot control your opinion of me. Have a nice day

I am not a troll, but you are entitled to your opinion of me.

Considering that the difference between the amount of interaction between white police and black men vs foreign born terrorists and black men is monumental to say the least.

We are calling all anti-fascists...” ZERO SELF AWARENESS. Shutting down other’s right to protest IS fascist behavior. You are the fascist, not them.

I have never run from the police in my life.....I wonder why??? Oh...wait....because I never had a reason to. See a pattern of these shootings, yet?!

Quote: “Lalor blabbered a long, unsubstantiated claim that police brutality isn’t as bad as players claim”

WAY TO GO DAK!!!! There is no epidemic of police shooting blacks. You have a better chance of being struck by lightning than shot by cops. The stats do not support the kneeling NFL players. 7% of the population, commits almost 50% of the murders; most of the victims being black, and 42% of cop killers are black

“Truth” Now, there’s a rare word in this post modern culture which we live in these days. “Truth-What is truth?!”

It is very sad what happened to this young lady, but what sickens me is people using her death to further their own agenda. This young lady unfortunately came across a dangerously mentally sick individual. It has nothing to do with racism nor toxic masculinity (which means absolutely nothing) The word is called, sin.

Stand Your Ground only works for white people”

Ya...I believe I saw this in the book of Revelation

“She continued to say, “Given those givens, we must ask our (white)selves- how “decent” are we really? Not in our intent, but in our actions? In our lack of action?”

“He said, “When Black women thrive, the racist trolls come out in droves exhibiting the enormous fragility of whiteness.”