Black conservative

(((SMACKING FACE))) White liberals are some of the biggest hypocrites. I call it “white guilt” a syndrome white liberals suffer from. White liberals feel so guilty about their color, that if they mitigate on behalf of the “downtrodden” that this will somehow alleviate their guilt. So, really, they are not doing it for

Implicit bias is nonsense. Pseudo science at it’s best. Implicit bias is determined more by someone’s interpretation of said’s thoughts rather than actions. How can you gauge when someone is having a thought when that someone doesn’t even know they are having that thought?

Hillary Clinton PAID for dirt that was assembled by the Russians in the form of the Steele Dossier.

“You are an idiot” Well I am convinced.

Conscience means “with knowledge”. Something or someone put that knowledge there, which evokes a God i.e. bible. I see nothing in the bible that labels Trump’s policy as evil. You can call it a bad policy, cold policy, but evil is a stretch

Force of habit, but thanks for the advice. I will remember that

Your Quote: “Aren’t there some white folks out somewhere that you should be sucking up to right now?”

Black conservative is someone who has awaken from the lies of the white Democrat slave masters. Most of the blacks were on the plantation.

Score one for you! That’s a fair point you made, but then my response would have to be as long as his article, because there too many to list.

That is why I use a brain. White people Republican or Democrat have no freakin’ clue what a racist is. I have met racist and Trump is certainly not one. He has been in the public eye for 20 years, and nothing but rappers idolizing him in rap songs and Jesse Jackson giving him awards in helping the black community.

I prefer ‘porch monkey’. It has a nice racist ring to it. Most blacks who call other blacks uncle tom do not really read, else they would know that uncle tom was a hero. But I digress. I was once like you, thought like you. So, who am I to judge. But I am on the enlightened track now, and have left the plantation.

Seriously...Is that like all ya’ll answers for anything...Russian bot? Let Russia go...Just let it go

Quote: “Republicans will overlook the inherent evil of his immigration policy”

Wow!!!! Liberal blacks are absolutely self delusional. I could easily refute every point made in this article. It is just an emotional mess with little to nothing to back it up, but more emotion

Wow! Racists who do not like being called racists. Have the racist devolved to the point that PC culture has affected their brains? (((rolling eyes)))

I said it once and I will say it again. If Trump finishes his term(s) with his policies the way they are now, and not blowing up in his face. He could wind up being one of the greatest presidents in U.S. history.

It was her lack of decorum in the Oval office that got her, and should get her the boot.

LOL.....As usual the bias media doesn’t tell the whole story. I guess they forgot to mention that she was rude in shouting questions at a venue (Oval office) which did not warrant such questions, and when she was asked to leave, since she would not follow directions. SHE REFUSED. It was that refusal which prompted the

That’s good! We need more thinkers in the black community. Too many people do not know how to think. Debate is a dying art and needs to be revived. Logic and reason will lead to the truth.

It is an historical time here in Georgia. Seeing a black woman running for governor.