Quote: “When I moved to D.C. in 2001, I decided to adopt the Washington RacistNames (real name Redskins, or Skins for short)“
Quote: “When I moved to D.C. in 2001, I decided to adopt the Washington RacistNames (real name Redskins, or Skins for short)“
I am a Cowboys fan. I have no problem with Jerry Jones decision. I look at the NFL payers who kneel as misguided. There is ZERO evidence that there is an epidemic that police are shooting blacks. In fact, 42% -46% of cop killers are black.
Betsy Devos is for School vouchers, charter schools, parent’s choice, against Teacher’s powerful lobbyist teacher’s union, common core. All things that help black children, yet she is evil. It is absolutely astounding how Trump Derangement Syndrome drives what I hope to have been rational thinkers from the start into…
People on the left are always violent. The left’s ideology is full of violence. People say the party switched, but historically the left has always terrorized the right; disrupting and starting fights at Republican conventions etc...
Tweet Quote: “I have a (busy!) life—four kids, run a small business, anchor some tv shows, been an award winning journalist for a minute...”
Soledad said nothing profound nor how does her having a meltdown undermine her own argument? what?! You and I certainly have a difference of opinion of the word “OWN”???!!!
Democratic socialist love using the word, “immoral” but immorality would invoke a God i.e. the bible, and there is nothing socialist say is immoral, that is immoral in the bible. The irony is that socialism itself is immoral and forbidden in the bible. Taking from some to give to other IS STEALING, which makes…
Quoting: “Proving that U.S. Democracy indeed is on it’s death bed”
Quote: “Some 33 percent of the school’s students are Latinx.”
The ONLY REAL election tampering that was going on was in the Democratic party in favor of Hillary over “Uncle” Bernie. But there was nothing to see there for the media. That was a nothing burger.
Quote: “every credible intelligence source agrees that Russian hackers, under direct instructions from our sidepiece president, Vladimir Putin, interfered with the 2016 presidential elections. “
I do not see the problem. Fine the NFL players who violate policy, and then then give all the money collected in fines to the wounded warrior or equivalent programs. Players get to kneel and the NFL saves face. Win, win for everyone
If you say so, but like many in the America today. I love to over value my opinions. Have a nice day
I didn’t defend anything. I refuted the accusation that he lied by showing snopes.com. It said, “unproven” I never made the claim that he was telling the truth. So if you see “purposeful” then that is of your own conjecture.
Thank you. But my comment was factual
“Trolling” Translation. People who have a opposing point of view. Your ad hominem is just that.
Quote: “schools aren’t safe for black students.”
“It was the start of the most corrosive culture. You played with the truth.”
Quote: “Like the time he claimed that the Trump’s inauguration was the most widely attended inauguration in the history of an inauguration”
“Bombshell” Really??!! Trump cheats on women and has affairs with porn stars. I.....I.....I....just can’t believe it. I mean...what....Trump has been in the public eye for like what.....20 years? You think you know a guy