As he should
As he should
Quote: “In June, it was revealed that she had already been tested more than twice as often as any other top American women’s tennis player. She was also tested more than any of the top five American male players.”
Companies need to do a better job with digital coupons.
Quote: “unconscious bias” How can you explain to someone that they are being racist if they are not conscious of being racist? or for that matter, how can you prove that they are racist, if they themselves do not see it as racist? It’s like chasing a ghost, or for that matter, a ghost of a ghost.
Poor Cosby. A victim of white gold diggers
Quote: “racist kung-fu...”
Hate crime is one of the, if not the dumbest law on the books. What? Is the crime worse because it was done with “hate”?
I do not believe that you grasp the definition of welfare. It’s an investment that could pay off more than they give to the farmers or could blow up in Trump’s face, but an investment none the less. In war there are casualties, and those casualties are the farmers.
Woman set kidnapped baby boy on fire, left him to die on train tracks, police
Apart from the lying (as ALL press secretaries do) she has done a good job; cool, calm, quick whited. But people are so bias, they believe that Obama’s press secretaries always told the truth.
The loud, obnoxious, ready to throw down black woman that Hollywood loves to portray. The question remains. Is it life imitating art or is the other way around?
That is black liberals for ya. Asking the white man for a hand out. Looking towards the white savior.
“You’re Fired” How is that germane?
Actually, those “excuses” IS the argument. As for it being a good argument would be the argument. I gave the argument. You dismissing it as “excuses” does in no way diminish it as a non-argument. Reality is not contingent (look it up) on what you believe or don’t believe.
LOL.....That is absolutely hilarious! Score one for you!
Sessions is actually a professional, class gentleman, demonstrating by recusing himself, and that he DIDN’T joint in the “LOCK HER UP” chant. It is amazing that people see what they want to see.
As she should. Act like a lady
Your Quote: “No need to argue” I know. You haven’t made one
They are not racists. They are purists. I, myself would not want to see a white man playing black panther.
Quote: “ALL because the distraught boy tried to come in defense of his father, who was being arrested...” “ALL” That’s all?! If anyone doesn’t see the error in this thinking, or for that matter, this young man’s blatant disregard for law enforcement?