Black conservative

Ah...yes...and you can always count on limited blacks to have no valid argument other than resorting to ad hominems (look it up)

Moral of this tragic story. Do not place your hands upon others.

LOL...Ocasio-Cortez. The gift that keeps on giving for us conservatives. I pray they do not hide her. Place her in front of the camera as much as they can, and yes! please place her as the “new face” of the Democratic party. 

Seriously??!! What the hell! Why the protesters. Protesting what exactly? Black people, misguided white people. Give your heads a shake. They just arrested the guy. Can we have a trial first before you take to the streets.

I, myself try not to place expectations on my spouse.

Very unwise words for a police officer to put on twitter, but racist??!! You and I have a very different definition of that word. Now, if he called all black people animals and needed to be put down. Then I could come aboard the racist train...tweet...tweet

What the heck is an African team? Africa is a continent. It is not a nationality nor a tribe. Only African Americans are obsessed with the term, “African”

Think about what you just wrote, “senile old man”. Iran would be crazy to engage with a senile man who has nukes at his disposal :-)

Your Quote: “Even worse, no one seems to care.”

Trump didn’t revoke them of their bias (which they are) Trump revoked them because of the leaks, and in light of the latest scandal which the intelligence community was indeed spying on Trump’s campaign. He has every right.

LOL....Petty?! Trump has every right to revoke these people who have violated their positions. They do not work for their own agenda. They work for the people, and yet, someone like James Clapper who perjured himself under oath about spying on Americans has the audacity to accuse Trump of treason?! Zero self awareness

There is so much information omitted in this article. That it makes me want to get my debate teeth sharpened :-)

Where is Joe Louis Clark when you need him?! This is why blacks are failing. Low standards

Quote: “Aside from its leader excusing a white supremacist murder, calling Mexicans “rapists,” referring to “shithole countries” and settling multiple discrimination lawsuits, there is an abundance of evidence that shows the party’s racism.”

If the party switch sides (They didn’t) History has shown that at the height of racism, the south was Democratic, but as the south became more and more Republican. Racism decreased in the south. The racists left an increasing less racist party in order to join an increasing racist party in order that they could become

Republicans were instrumental in pushing the civil rights bill. 80% of Republicans voted for it vs the 60% of Democrats. Furthermore the white savior, L.B. “I will have those n——-s” voting democrats for the next 200 years” Johnson refers to the civil rights bill as the “n——r” bill.

So what you are saying, is that white Democrats are less racist than white Republicans

Please tell me this is satire, right?!

Quote: “I was deliberately trolling.” Correction. It is a typo. I wasn’t deliberately trolling

Sorry, if you didn’t like my response. I was deliberately trolling. That is EXACTLY how I feel about the higher ups. As for the justice system. It is pretty simple. DON’T DO THE CRIME. Nothing is fair in life, and you only have yourself to blame for putting yourself on the judicial radar. Do not ask me to have