I still have that Wii Netflix disc somewhere, even though it has been useless for over a decade at this point.
I still have that Wii Netflix disc somewhere, even though it has been useless for over a decade at this point.
I still have my PS3 and Wii Netflix discs, lol
Back when you had to order the disc?
Nintendo’s complete disdain for following norms is both the best (unique games built for their hardware’s strengths) and worst (harassing content creators and restrictive offerings outside core gaming) thing about them.
I first watched streaming Netflix on my Wii, back when my only computer was too wimpy to handle it. I think Pandorum was the first movie I watched.
On one hand, I actually agree with Tarantino. The criticism felt overblown. Lee’s daughter gets special dispensation to feel protective of her father’s legacy but everyone else probably should just accept that this is a fictionalization and chill.
I might have a different opinion on Rebecca Black if the Foo Fighters weren’t having a cultural moment right now.
Conservative: Dont tread on me
Yeah, I’d say that being a man who wants to have a say about what women can or can’t do with their bodies and the unrecognizable clump of cells inside them is pretty stupid.
Haven’t watched it in decades, but I remember Rocky Dennis in Mask (the Cher/Eric Stoltz film, not the Mobile Armoured Strike Kommand toys) being thrilled to get a Johnny Cougar tape. Apparently the producers wanted to use Springsteen, but didn’t think he’d go for it.
She felt like her friend was being attacked and got super defensive (or, more charitably, protective). These criticisms of In the Heights are not new; they existed when it was still on stage, and yet the film adaptation still represents a Washington Heights where everybody passes the paper bag test. Hopefully the…
You know for once in these comment sections could we not have some white assholes talking over PoC when it comes to colorism among their community and shouting “Teh Left is Canibalizing Itself!!!!?!!!” when the topic of colorism is even brought up? It’s not a new discussion, it’s just a discussion that’s becoming more…
Dire story. Upshot is that I never expected Steve O to be a lucid voice of reason.
Is it just me, or has every single case of so-called method acting you’ve ever heard of just sound like it was an excuse to be an asshole? For some reason, no one ever seems to do it when they’re playing a nice character.
This sucks. And hurts. My father loved Clapton. Worshiped at his alter of guitar playing to the point of handcrafting his own amp to duplicate the amp Clapton used on the legendary John Mayall and the Bluesbreakers album. Owned multiple Strats, of course. Could play pretty much any Clapton solo note for note.
Start with either the original entry if you don’t mind extremely old anime (70s) or the newest one (Iron Blooded Orphans) if you do. If you like what you see, then progress. Don’t think about it as “starting a 30 part franchise”, just pick a single show to try and see if you even care at all about the whole thing.
I got an Annie Hathaway notification for this?
I don’t mind that it sort of sounds like a crap version of early-90s Primal Scream, more that it reminds me “Soak Up the Sun” by Sheryl Crow.
No kidding. There are maybe 108 people in the entire country who realized until now that Toobin was gone, and maybe 39 who were upset that he was gone, of whom 11 stopped watching CNN as a result.
For anyone confused about why CNN brought him back, just ask yourself, where in the world is CNN going to find another late-middle-aged white man to provide legal expertise on the air?