Danson With Myself

The only entity more powerful than Disney is the PRC.

That really upsets me.

When Letterman moved to CBS, into that cavernous Ed Sullivan Theater, it ruined his vibe. It was made clear to me that Letterman, Conan, and Colbert worked much much better with a small audience, a more manageable group for joke reaction and improvisation. Letterman’s and Conan’s NBC shows felt intimate, like they

Colbert and Seth Meyers have both evolved their shows in ways that I hope stick around post-pandemic. I’ve enjoyed how they’ve both loosened up a bit and incorporated their rapport and banter with their staff into the show. Colbert in particular is much better when he drops the “host” act and behaves more casually. 

It will be great to have “THE” Late Show back, along with “Meanwhile.” But semantics aside, I would like to see him interacting with people in person again. It was awkwardly set up but great to see Krasinski with him last week in the little office they use.

I’ve gotten used to no audience talk shows, and frankly I like em a lot better. Most audiences are a pack of morons.

Question, the stinger “joke” on the trailer.  Was that guy suppose to be The Black Knight saying “Maybe I can lead the Avengers?”  If so then I guess it sorta makes sense, since he did in the comics and its a wink wink, nudge nudge sorta thing but in the context of the trailer its a lead balloon.  We don’t know who

Not surprised just based on the photo in this newswire this Nero dude looks like he owns alot of stained raincoats.

He’s the lead singer for Il Pixies, right?

Franco Nero looks like a zombified James Lipton.  

Good advice but keep in mind this was written by a person who works for Jim Spanfeller.

He’s the guy that got big off of getting yelled at by James Caan in Las Vegas, then spent a career being a forgettable rom-com star and minor character in the Transformers film.

The thing is, Paul hasn’t said anything to Luke that countless fathers haven’t said to countless sons for generations. The understanding that it is inappropriate is a fairly recent societal development. Buying drugs, punching your father in the mouth, these are serious things.

Wow. How does Kelsey Grammer not make it into the trailer? Was that supposed to be some sort of twist casting that’s been spoiled?

Jackson is an interesting choice for a Jekyll and Hyde kind of character.

That's really too bad about The Unicorn. It was never a gutbuster, but it was charming and well-written and the cast was incredibly likable. 

The toughest conversations must be the daily ones he has with himself in the mirror every day, convincing himself again to keep this up. You know there has to be a tiny part of himself, albeit probably buried deep inside, that wants to just be “regular Tom Cruise, the super famous actor” instead of “Scientologist Tom

wouldn’t it be safe to assume that Tom Cruise tries to convince every “hot” actor or director or executive to join Scientology?  Wow what an uncomfortable conversation or encounter that must be for the sane ones.

The main airport terminal set definitely would’ve fit right in with something out of the 70's or 80's also the shots inside the airplanes looked extremely dated for the time, which I guess is what they were going for. I’m sure the show also had a pretty bad budget.

Wings seems like a better fit. People need to remember Wings more...