That episode of Triple D is probably at least a decade old. Despite being a Michigander, I’ve never been a Kid Rock fan, but this is also before he came out as a right wing nut.
That episode of Triple D is probably at least a decade old. Despite being a Michigander, I’ve never been a Kid Rock fan, but this is also before he came out as a right wing nut.
Yeah - you’d think that’d be obvious considering how many years Community was on the brink of being cancelled, but of course nuance is dead on the Internet.
I mean, he’s clearly talking about “cancelled” as in “not renewed” or “not getting past the pilot stage,” but OK, whatever.
I don’t know. “Hurry On Home” was a great single and yet the rest of The Center Won’t Hold, minus like two tracks, was very forgettable. This one is comparatively weaker and it doesn’t make me particularly excited for the new album.
I liked the first season, and watched some of the 2nd, but never got caught up for the 3rd season, I really wish that stuff like this and Clarice would just stop doing the crime/monster of the week shit and tell the story. Its been shown to work in so many other shows, and it works for sitcoms, But shows like this are…
From the article, just a tiny sampling of the many, many people who spoke out about various incidents:
I will note that “executive producer” can mean anything, and that Dave Franco is actually working with them, nobody has said anything bad about him, and he’s married to Alison Brie...but your comment is really the most relevant in this comments section. Like, that should be addressed. I will note that, like going back…
Ah, trolling: when you want to scream your pathos and fragility through a megaphone.
Projection. It’s always projection with these fuckers.
1/10, low-effort trolling.
Checked your past comments before replying because this sure sounds like trolling and yup didn’t even need to scroll down to see the N-word.
“all white male feminists are lying sacks of shit...” That seems a bit much donchathink?
Eh, you can still do some good with a superhero show - Invincible and The Boys are both good, and their respective takes on superheroes are opposite one another. Netflix’s problem is that they’re generally unwilling to commit to the weirdness of the comics and their shows end up slower and more boring than their…
I think there is definitely still an appetite for superhero movies, but I think the ‘deconstructed superhero’ sub-genre hit too fast and too hard. People might be over it for a while.
I do agree with your take on Invincible, and it’s kind of a shame that it entered the race so late in the game since it is was one of…
I haven’t watched Jupiter’s Legacy yet, but based on what I’m reading, it sounds like the show really suffers from their choice to make *that* ending to make the finale for the season. It’s understandable, but it happens so early in the books that you have to put in a ton of filler derived from the most cynical parts…
I don’t think there is a “hump.” It’s just another type of story at this point, like rom-coms or action movies. There will be good stuff, there will be bad stuff. Just like any other subgenre. Invincible was pretty good, so unless that “hump” occurred sometime this week, it probably doesn’t exist.
I think we may finally be over the hump on the Superhero trend, or at least the now beaten-to-death attempts at deconstructing it (which I think totally miss the point of what people see in it)
Your timely reminder that mark Millar licks goats.