Danson With Myself

I imagine Lucasfilm will eventually pick up on the latter-day Marvel model of hiring TV and smaller-time studio directors who get stuff done professionally without rocking the boat.

The conglomerates and chain restaurants should really start going crazy with the vegetable and plant based substitutes at this point. Even if only a handful of people eat your cauliflower wings and black bean burgers, the overhead has to be way, way less.

I think there's a difference between a great show with some ugly bits and a terrible show where every single character is an ugly stereotype.

There's pretty much no way this is good in a long format that takes multiple weeks to produce.

Colbert's been doing animated Trump segments since pretty early on in TLS, so I'm not super surprised by this. But turning this into a full length show is probably going to damage it and prevent it from catching on, so I'm surprised they're not doing something even closer to what the HBO/Stewart thing was going to be

I would expect nothing less from a man who one called himself the Bath Salt Boss.

I can't wait for this totally awesome, no signs of trouble at all movie to come out with weird fucking CG lips on Superman. It's going to be awesome!

Underseas dwellers?

Nah, they're smart enough to put her deep in the background of most scenes so that people will keep watching.

Yeah, from this and the previous trailers, I'm expecting a lot of fun action pieces punctuated by some truly rough dialogue.

I thought coming out of BvS, Gadot and Affleck were pretty much the only good things, along with some of the other casting.

The blurb makes it sound like this new one will be the shiniest, most commercial take he can possibly deliver on Batman, which I'm down with.

No Seaguy Eternal, no dice.

Presumably that and Tyler's album.

Gotta keep the trains running on time

Saving the best (George Wendt) for last!

Sometimes there are elseworlds where he's a pirate

It especially sucks because he's a really good fit for the role. He just needs better material to work with. If Justice League is as narratively light and quippy as it looks in the trailers, he could really shine.

I guess I'm finally leaving Michigan.

He'll be racing Tim Allen around the track for eternity, and they'll both be making engine sounds with their mouths.