Danson With Myself

Between that and his mug shot up there, he's really come full circle. It's almost like he's determined to end his career by becoming the thing anti-violence crusaders were pushing him as in the 90s.

I haven't seen the first one; what are the odds the villain will use his powers to change actors again at the end of the next one? Depp is harming my interest here.

This probably should have died with Tony Scott, although I'm interested to see if Kosinski can update the 80s "everything lubed up in butter" aesthetic of the original the same as he did for Tron.

The Ayatollah of Islamophobia

Wow, I thought I had a rough idea of how bad this would be, but the trailer proved in just over two minutes that it could be even worse.

There is something that vaguely sounds like Rusholme Ruffians in that trailer, but it makes no sense with what the chronology of the film supposedly is.


So glad the nostalgia cycle has revived the aesthetic of Mutant X, Canada's finest first run syndication export.

He could have a crime solving show called The Temperamentalist

Somebody should give Keith Olbermann a shitload of money, a broadcast deal, and a couple of lackeys to start his own 24/7 live channel. I bet it'd be glorious. Some days he'd probably host 24 hours of wildly different shows on his own, and other times he'd disappear for months on end without any notice.

Between this and Megyn Kelly on the flagship, you could say his decisions have suffered from a Lack of viewers.

I'm somehow much more blown away by Banksy being one of the guys from Massive Attack than I am by any of those two things on their own. Delivering legendary works in two mediums under different identities is the step from "great artist like others before" to "absolute legend".

This is also what I was thinking (and it's hilarious!)

Guy has a talent for songwriting but he sure does say and do many questionable things and spend time with questionable people.

Between this and that Mac DeMarco song, it seems like we've reached the sort of dismal crest of the 1980s.

The guy who directed this is named Lasse, which is one letter lessie than Lassie.

Extremely convoluted attempts at justifying open racism

Kevin Spacey as Frank Underwood as President of Alibaba can be their Nick Fury

Can't wait to see Spidey hanging with TV's Black Bolt

I already disliked Rogue One and was super hesitant about a Solo movie to begin with, although Lord & Miller and Donald Glover will probably drive me to see it. I'm probably tapping out of this franchise after Ep IX, unless they get Ewan McGregor back for a film.