
Watched this show last night with my husband and we were pleasantly surprised. Yes, it is a makeover show but the changes made to these men’s self-esteem was immeasurable. The first man madeover said he was unlucky in love because he was “fat old and ugly” to which Karamo replies that he had to stop thinking of

I’d assumed that it was a note that said, “HELP” scrawled in blood.

Here’s my case against NdGT:

So, one thing to make really crystal clear: Paul goes on about how “nice” people in Japan are and how they “put up” with him. Speaking as a Japanese person, we have very different standards on how we treat people who we find offensive or disgusting.

It’s frustrating how much time the episode spends developing its technology without that development actually leading to anything relevant.

I am automatically wary of people who keep immaculately trimmed facial hair. Borders are important at the neck and cheeks but when you do weird things in the chin/lower lip area I got my eyes on you.

I feel like people on this site used to be better at getting jokes.

I for one can’t wait to see Christopher Plummer in Deadpool 2.

I found this bone-chilling. Like finding out Voldemort knows your address.

Yeah, I’ve only been away for a few years, but Daken and X-23 are hanging out with another young clone and a fucking pet wolverine in a costume now? Jesus.

In a way, aren’t we all just actors reciting dialogue?

The woman next to her is wearing the most terrifying witch costume I’ve ever seen!

that movie made me cry

You raise really interesting point. Personally I’d be kind of happy if I could read a headline and not immediately know it was for a Rich Juzwiak review, due to mentioning DEPICTIONS OF FRANK SEX, BECAUSE SEX CAN NEVER BE DEPICTED FRANKLY ENOUGH FOR RICH, FRANKLY.

I can’t wait to see this.

Now, don’t be disgusting.

The sauce contains potassium benzoate.

Please stick to 30 is age discriminatory.