
“Lair” is a better flick than half the movies on this list. And how can any story about great ‘80s horror films omit a masterpiece like “Near Dark”?

“No, Mister Bond. I expect you to didle-deedle-die!”

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Maybe I missed something about the time frame allowed, but two of the oldies but biggies are Jack Nicholson in Little Shop of Horrors.

He’s worshiping that all ighty ollar in the sky, now.

And the world loses another Idiot. RIP, good sir, and thanks for all the snappy answers.

Bradwee Cooper

Nah. It should be the first three hours.

No King Ghidorah.....?

Much as I enjoy the How to Drain your Python movies, Number one is obviously Vermithrax Pejorative. The one dragon that actually gets the girl, if you take my meaning.

In addition, he’s been busted down to Jonathan Corporals.

It’s like a Looney Toons gag:

Was Grogu's flashback all that interesting though? To me, it felt more less like it told a story, and and more like it just showed events.

I had forgotten that Keanu was in The Gift, but then again, for many of us, we will only remember one thing..make that 2 things from this movie. 

How will instructors teach about grammar and punctuation if they cannot discuss periods?

I know the “nepo-baby” thing feels all new, hip, and oh-so snarky, but FFS, to call Jamie Lee Curtis a nepo-baby - even jokingly/ironically - is just stupid. She’s been working as an actress for fucking decades.

thats because its quiet

she quickly executes the spiny mecha creep with the Darksaber before he can drink all of Din’s blood—proving, again, that she’s probably better suited to rule Mandalore and wield the Darksaber than Din is.”

They had literal fireworks in the first two minutes. That’s how much Din gets done.

To me there’s an inherent problem in a shared universe of horror movie characters. The scary thing about monsters is that they are anomalies in a normal world. What if, in you’re regular everyday life, you encountered a man who transforms into a bloodthirsty beast at the full moon, or a creature that gains a twisted