Indeed. That kid is going places
Indeed. That kid is going places
Current issue with Negan was GREAT!
That’s brilliant
Or the Dahrks supersized him magically.
My favorite example of this trope is cop cars crashing during a chase scene. Yeah, Batman didn’t put a bullet in those cops, but maybe a few bled out when their cars flipped over.
I refuse to listen to Type O negative unless it’s below 50 outside
Agreed. I know it would probably be silly in live action, but I do lament that we never hear movie Spidey talking to himself as he webswings around the city. Of course I’d also kind of like to see his spider sense represented as animated squiggles around his head in live action too, so maybe I’m just a dork
I definitely felt that were that scene in a comic, we would have gotten a war journal entry expositing all the tell-tale signs that showed Frank that these were mercs and not sanctioned soldiers
I didn’t mind the trope so much as I minded the writers spelling it out for us in dialogue. His lady friend seemed familiar enough with him NOT to need the explanation
I’d forgot the bullet toss- that was probably my favorite moment
Only downside of the episode for me. Not killing is fine, but don’t just let the bad guy leave- Flashes of Spider-man 3 rage...
That’s like making a Venom movie without Spider-man, or a show set in Gotham with a 10 year old Bruce Wayne. It’s crazy talk
And for what it’s worth, I ONLY watch Legends and Flash for the most part and I wasn’t ever confused or bored
Omg, it was RIGHT THERE!!!
My all time favorite is The Kinks’ Father Christmas. The worst is probably that dang Christmas Shoe song
I’ve always had a soft spot for that one as well,probably because a) my mom loved it and b) I identify a I am also artistically inclined but broke as hell
I really dig We Three Kings. Ashame that’s one that doesn’t get covered often
“Yo! The door isn’t locked” got a nice chuckle as well
“It doesn’t hurt to be liberal with the rum” is applicable to MANY situations!