They are scared shitless of her and I am loving every minute of it.
They are scared shitless of her and I am loving every minute of it.
As a kid, my parents had the foresight to plan meal stops at places where we could let out our pent-up energy, like picnic parks or McDonald’s playgrounds. Picnic parks are the ultimate road trip move: everybody gets to stretch their legs, and you eat the affordable sandwiches you’ve packed in your cooler.
Drove to visit my sister in Chicago area from the NYC area one President’s Day Weekend. It was spur of the moment for her kid’s birthday and with the 5 in my family, it was cost prohibitive to fly. We stopped with family in MI on the way out, so it wasn’t as bad of a journey.
I, for one, would like to offer my thoughts and prayers to any 2nd Amendment people that were harmed during the filming of this.
Initial reports have PacMan avoiding the confrontation, grabbing something to eat, and then seeking out his attacker.
“We had literally heard them all, we could recite them before he even started to say them...”
the retirement of offensive lineman Richie Incognito
It just kills you, doesn’t it?
“My name is KIIIIIICKKKKKKKK, KICK ROCKKKKSSS. I love that song too.”
first football game, first kiss (doesn’t count because it was part of a play but still), first beer, first love (unrequited), first Metallica concert, first cigarette, first pube, etc.
I started using Drew’s chili recipe the first year he posted it. I have made it so many times that my friends and family now regard it as my chili recipe. It is good, and I stole it all from Drew.
They should put him in a bell jar at the international bureau of weights and measures, to be used for comparison to other players for all time.
Alex Smith for five years? Oddly enough, that’s not the dumbest thing I’ve heard come out of D.C. tonight.
South Carolina certainly didn’t feel this interested in standing for the US flag a little over 150 years ago.
To be fair, he only joined the crime ring very recently after it started doing well.
Police apprehended not just these two, but an entire crime ring as well. In all, a total of eleven men and women were arrested. That said, police are on the lookout for an unknown, unnamed 12th man.
I know a lot will disagree with me, but she should have passed them to him instead of trying to run them back.
Well, national anyway.