
Have you been following Apple for the last decade? They almost never compete on specs. They would rather build a capable product and wring more performance out of it through software than to max out the specs and cut into their profit margin.

The complaint I have this these giant robot/mech games is that it it is rare that one makes you feel like you're controlling a huge hunk of metal. You might as well swap out the models for your average sized space marines. Half the fun of giant robots and mechs is that they are big powerful machines. Running and

I really miss the Night Note. It was like a brief glimpse into the glamorous life of a game blogger. Seriously though, I used to look forward to reading the notes between the editors, even when they had nothing to do with gaming.

This one gets my vote. Every car has at least one of these. Some have two. Some even have one in the trunk for tailgating. Then there are oddities like the Vibe, with a built in inverter for a AC outlet and still a cigarette lighter. While the convenience is nice, think about the power loss in converting from DC

Try reading the unabridged version of Les Miserable.

The only hot dog worth eating is a white hot. Zweigles or Hoffman's, please.

I'm not saying I don't agree with you. I can hardly stand to sit and watch a old Voltron episode with him without laughing at how ridiculous it is. I'm sure that if I watched some of the older TMNT cartoons the reaction would be the same. The eighties were full of shows that had cool concepts and cool toys but were

My 4 year old son loves watching (the original) Voltron. He doesn't care about the plot or lack thereof. However, he knows that giant robot lions combining into an even bigger robot that fights other robots and beasts is awesome. So what if most of the show is terrible. Giant fighting robots can make up for a lot

Nintendo doesn't take men's money. They give it willingly in exchange for the promise of one more game to play in their cozy little prisons of their own design.

No, they had some pretty catchy tunes. Just from reading the text, I got the intro stuck in my head now.

If anything, the Camaro and Challenger are even more cartoon-y interpretations of retro designs compared to the Mustang. Maybe cartoon-y equals modern now?

What's not to love? Well, besides the price. If I were rich, that would be my family car. Plus, because of the AWD, I would drive it all year round too.

It's not WebOS it is killing, just the devices. I would expect future hardware from HP (or whoever buys their hardware business) to have a more unified, webOS-like interface. In fact, this move is more than likely an attempt to make their hardware business more attractive (less "losers" and all).

Ah yes, you're right. It is funnier with Jerry Stiller delivering the line too.

"You have the rooster, the hen, and the chicken. The rooster goes with the chicken... So who's having sex with the hen?" -George Costanza

For the most part, I don't regret my gaming history, even if I include those nights where I would stay up so late that my body regretted it the next day.

Silly protesters. This is why you always make sure the parking brake is completely engaged when parking on a hill. It is also a good idea to point the wheels of the vehicle such that, if the parking brake fails, the curb will catch the car before it rolls too far.

So every fight would play out like the Monty Python Black Knight scene. What's the big deal? I'd play that.

It seems like it should be the perfect family car, especially for those on a budget. Judging from this list though, I suppose it just isn't big enough for most people's taste.

Needs more Mazda5.