
What they need to do is make two or more Wii U controllers the standard way to interact for multiplayer games. It should still work with the Wiimotes, but only for new motion oriented games and backwards compatibility. Even if the console only came with one Wii U controller, it wouldn't be any different than the

Other than installing the OS, I can't remember the last time I put a disk in my Windows desktop. Even games are purchased online through services like Steam. They may be a little ahead of the curve, but I think Apple is right about the lack of need for an optical drive.

Off the top of my head, I can think of no less than 5 vehicles that you could purchase for the same price as the iQ, all of which are larger, get similar mileage, and are just all around better. At 10k to 12k, the iQ would be an intriguing concept, but they've priced it right out of the market.

That could be interesting though. A gaming oriented OS. Boot right into steam and launch your games from there. It even has a built in browser. The lightweight OS would mean more resources available for games.

I'm really not into any of Stephen King's novels, not really my genre, but the man's quotes are almost always awesome.

Let me know when it includes a full security system and can roam around my house.

In that situation you could purchase more gas. Here, it seems there is no choice but to stick to your ration or risk losing access to gas for the next year.

The upcoming ST model is a more extreme example.

Except there is no other contract to sign for most people. I'm under the assumption here that the author has no other tier to choose from. I do not live in an area served by Comcast. If I am wrong, then please inform me.

The PBS stuff is great (and free over the air). I do have to say that the Backyardigans is the greatest kids show out there though. My kids absolutely love it, and I even get some of the songs stuck in my head (in a non-annoying way).

It's like telling someone they can no longer driver their car on the road, not because they did anything illegal, but because they were driving too much.

If only they had used their ingenuity for niceness instead of evil. (read with a Don Adams impression)

Probably some high level manager being paid to put his stamp of approval on everyone else's work.

It's part of the 95 percent of statistics that are made up on the spot.

It makes sense that they are European models as this show originated at Disney's Paris theme park.

How about a list of cars that are the lowest cost to own (factoring both purchase price, fuel economy, and possibly maintenance)? All these hybrid models have a premium over their gasoline brethren. Even with higher gas prices, it will still take years on these cars to make up the difference. Meanwhile, many

There were a lot of episodes like that. Those darn robots are always immune to what ails the fleshy, weak humans.

And Spiderman from the 90's as well.

The fact that there is a lack of AAA titles on mobile platforms shows that while the big game development houses might agree with your line of thinking (they do get more money per sale selling a DS or PSP game after all), companies like Gameloft realize that there is plenty of hardware capability and a large enough

So what happens when they don't buy in? As I understand it iTunes Match will let you upload anything not found anyhow. This would imply that, while a user wouldn't get a higher quality rip, the songs would still be uploaded and the record label still gets nothing.