Cabernet Sauvicrunk

That is a great song. Ive just gotten around to Emotion and it’s full of jams.

I mean.....yeah. Absurdity aside, that’s pretty applicable to my life and a lot of dudes I know. Month two is whining in your therapist’s office bc your mom wouldn’t put the baseball glove you wanted on layaway in the summer of ‘94. #whydidntshecare

Me and Dierks hang around different girls. Many of the girls I know throw a Tshirt on and text “I gotta get laid.” Oh, and a lot of girls I know drink their whiskey straight, so I guess you're correct about the whiskey + Coke, ya bumpkin.


That eyebrow game tho.

Took my recycling to the recycling center. That was enough adulting for me today.

I’ve been a vegetarian for years, but lately I feel a really strong pull towards veganism (it’s always been there, but lately it’s been stronger than ever). Any basic cook book suggestions?

RIP Killarney. 🐨 🌈 P-22, I ain’t mad at you though.

The food is the most disturbing thing regarding hooter’s.

I don't think he is. I was just imagining what would happen if he got worked over by Gawker.

Lolz @ “lord god no Viceland”.

Yeah that was bad form. You gotta go out like you give zero fucks. MSNBC who, not even worth a Twitter post. #byefelipe

I can’t wait for Hamilton’s gifs if he gets the boot.

A little self righteous, but here’s another take:

That doesn't prove my point. My point was that I wished they would of worked out cause I loved Drumline the movie.

Damn, she got rid of the drumline kid? I was really pulling for them.

Girl, we gotta work on your game, yo. You’re a discriminating tigress who sometimes indulges in the hooch at times. See, that already sounds better.

That sounds amazing as hell.

He seems like a good dude. He’d probably whip up some post hump eggs Benedict for sure.