Cabernet Sauvicrunk

I think Dorothy was a founding member of Stars of the Lid, but left early due to creative differences.

Same here. My grandma would buy Little Debbie snacks for me and my brother and we’d watch the Golden Girls. #swisscakerolls4lyfe

This is the best ever. Sorry Annie Clark.

I feel like Dorothy would be into this version. Blanche would be ambivalent. Sophia would be pissed. Not sure about Rose though.

Trumpet, with a Bart Simpson t-shirt underneath my uniform. 💥🎺💥

it’s early, but I don’t see how this doesn’t stay in my top 10 aoty. Love the way this guy combines slaying beats with ethereal-y vocals. Hadron Collider is my jam!

Hmmmm. Visiting the optometrist can make one’s appetite flourish, I suppose.

I feel you on this. Anybody who says Kanye’s music sucks on the whole- well, I just can’t trust their musical opinion. The guy has scope. But sometimes the guy makes it hard on his fans to stand in his corner. It's a spectrum of amazement and cringe.

I’m so glad you summed up my thoughts so I didn’t have to write all that. And thanks be to the old gods and the young gods that I can keep watching this. Eat a bag of dicks Ramsay!

Oh yeah?! You’re totally worse than the original! ;-)

Burn the 🐼!

Must be, lolz.

I think that's the LEAST we could ask for!!!!

Lol @ the Brann scenario. Love it!

Im picking up what you’re dropping!

“Ramsay, meet Needle!”

I’ll definitely put her on both! That should provide adequate coverage.

True, Joffrey’s death was so anticlimactic. He got off so easy!

I will put Sansa on weekly the prayer list. 💥🙏🏾💥

I’d be more than ok with that.