
Only the last episode aired after the cutoff, so the entire season was eligible this year.

I avoided the show at first because I had absolutely no interest in watching a show about The Rapture. It isn't about that after all. Finally checked it out last year, and it's totally worth it (although the first half of the first season isn't very good).

I think the reason for Kevin's facade that their past hadn't really happened was that it was how their real relationship functioned. There was a lot of love there, but they were just pretending that their real problems didn't exist. So when Kevin found her and didn't know what to say, he repeated that old pattern.

I'm not convinced Laurie knew Kevin was going to Australia all these years. I think she even something like "Kevin's in Australia?" when Nora called her. Nevertheless, I'm still pissed at Laurie for never telling him.

I was glad they didn't show it, and don't feel it was in any way a cop out. Kevin listening to the story is as important as the story itself. We get the story as Kevin gets the story, without embellishment, so he and we can decide if we believe it or not.

Nora lies as much as anyone lies. She's even taken to lying about her own name.


Not Sam's dad, the father (or mother, I don't remember) of the boy next to the shopping cart.

Laurie didn't know Kevin had been going to Australia looking for her all this time. She thought he had accepted it.

The second briefcase had the romance novel in it.

It was. Nora mentioned her parents buried a mile or so from where they were.

This is the first episode this season with Liv Tyler in the opening credits.

I don't think about Lost because I gave up on that show after the first season, and don't really remember anything about it. Whenever I read the comments comparing this show to Lost, I'm grateful I can enjoy The Leftovers as it's own thing.

God Only Knows has been used in a lot of things, but it's one I don't think has been overused yet. It doesn't bother me when a song I associate with something else is used if it's used well. "The End of the World" I associate with the JFK assassination episode of Mad Men, but it moved me just as much in this episode.

She might have already known about that. In season one's "Cairo", Patti told Kevin that Laurie had told her about Kevin's cheating on her. I don't know if she knew all the details, but it was already old news between them.

Season one was set 3 years after the departure.

They called off the wedding, but I think they're still dating. Or at least, I don't remember them breaking up for good.

Yeah that's been bugging me for a while. Mary casually mentioned Kevin rising from the dead, in front of Nora, so it isn't exactly a secret. Whether or not his "hallucinations" were real or not, the man was dead for several hours, twice. Maybe they can explain away the poison, like maybe he wasn't *really* dead,

David Burton's death/return was seen on a news report in an episode before Kevin's death episode (I think it was the one with Laurie & Tom trying to deprogram the Guilty Remnant).

They mentioned the explosion in last week's episode. They clarified what it was in this episode. I assume it's going to be kind of important to the rest of the season.