
There’s a Holocaust museum in Hiroshima. There is literally no excuse.

Gender pay gap has been 100% debunked. People just need to read a little to understand it.

Do their male coworkers have more seniority? I imagine people who steal from work when they’re unhappy probably don’t keep jobs for too long.

oh, so It’s a fantasy game about imaginary world where gender pay gap myth is a reality.

men can be close without being gay. i hate this age where people try to make characters gay who weren’t in the first place. I have no problem with people liking whoever they like. but stop turning established characters gay just to fit with the times. make new characters who are gay.

Or maybe Stephen can give it to his baby twins and see what happens? After playing with it, btw, I can confirm that this thing is wild. I loved the piano.

Wow, you sure do know a lot about these games—certainly enough to be judging which is and isn’t the game of the generation. I can tell because you didn’t even recognize the fucking main character of one of them in the joke .gif I posted.

I don’t know. Do .gifs lie?

“I feel bad for killing nonexistent creatures in a game called Monster Hunter.”

I don’t now what your definition of top tier is, but most of them were Switch exclusives

If you don’t like boss fights, MH is not for you.

Go back to Maddon Bro!

The Palico looks dumb? Maybe you’re dumb. Palico are amazing.

Basically, the game that if someone talks shit about it, you know they either didn’t play it or were just not smart enough to understand what makes it one of the true classics in gaming history. It took me three months to beat this originally. And not because it was hard or because I didn’t enjoy it.

Quite the

I mean, you could declare all FTL travel outside the realm of special relativity and leave it at that, but even travel at relativistic sublight speeds would throw off any clock on the traveling ship relative to all other clocks. It’s the Hafele-Keating experiment with bigger numbers.

I still don’t get how this works when you can’t interact with anyone in-game. Is this “civilization” all in third-party applications or something?

I love that i can just play this game solo and not have to deal with any of this crap.

Now playing

Whether or not you like the meme or not, Uganda Knuckles isn’t a racist meme. Imitating an accent does not mean someone is pretending to be dominant over another race. This is an excellent video on the topic.

PvP and PvE servers are a thing of the past as of 8.0

You stop getting experience from the enemies though. Once quests become green they give less experience, then when they’re grey they’re useless. As a fellow dope who reads the flavourtext and likes the story, having the stories continue giving me XP while I play them through to conclusion is better than grinding