
You’re talking to a Day-One Kingdom Hearts (as in from 2001) fanatic here. Saying...

Well if you were paying attention (or cared at all), you’d notice a metric shitton of new stuff in this trailer. How drive forms work, TWO new drive forms, returning abilities, Herc as a guest character (who doesn’t replace Donald or Goofy?), tons of new areas, I think a few new heartless, not to mention AGONIZING

Nintendo had nothing to do with it. Pokemon Company does what they want.

please... do try harder to have higher expectations. /s

Pokken Tournament is fucking awesome, but I was really hoping for more than just another tweaked port... Even if Gold and Silver were coming as the first games in the VC for the Switch

Hey.. Pokken Tournament is really fun. Don’t be sad because it isn’t the information you were hoping for.

Seems like a very positive turn. Now if we could just get actual Netflix too!

Not to mention they aren’t even charging for it right out of the gate lolol

So it’s the Netflix of classic games?

It’s $20 a YEAR, though... That’s no more than $2 a month! The argument you’re trying to go with won’t fly as well when there’s no wind beneath its wings.

The typos are actually a super secret Metroid password: You unlock all the missiles but then lose them all because you sold them to Saudi Arabia.

Most of the time. His confidant track, for instance. In most meetings he’s fine.

I still play my Xbox 360 on composite cables through a widescreen CRT, and yet somehow I still manage to have this “fun” everyone speaks of in regards to video games.

Very uncool... Antsy Labs is the original creator and this product is a cheap Chinese Manufacturing ripoff! I’ve felt the difference and the Antsy Labs one is far higher quality. Plus, you aren’t supporting thieves.

Very uncool... Antsy Labs is the original creator and this product is a cheap Chinese Manufacturing ripoff! I’ve

I logged into my account and updated my android and searched high and low. Nothing. I’ve been wanting Duolingo to have Japanese for years and this news would’ve made my day, but now I’m sad. The only thing that looks new is Swahili and Romanian.

Just send back Mass Effect

Passive HDMI to Display Port does not work. You need an active.

I can’t make games happen — I can only delay them.


Kinda like how if you bought Skyrim on 360, you were owed a discount on an XBox One, right?