
good one, idiot

Dude, no, just, no. You’re wrong. Touch screens are awful for driving.

Who knew that shining a laser at something was a surefire declaration of political affiliation. Feel free to keep marginalizing the people that came out and voted him into office though. That worked so well during the campaign.

I wasn’t aware that pointing a laser at a helicopter was a 100% accurate way of determining someone’s political affiliation.

How many more days before this ends? I know most Americans have a half life of 10 seconds of attention span, so it shouldn’t be much longer before the snowflakes are back to snap chatting pics of their junk and sexting.

and do you want me to post the vid of the 6-8 black lives matter folks beating the shit out of a white guy (supposedly voting for voting for trump)... there is always morons on both sides, more on the left obviously 

Giz needs to chill and stop whining like a baby.

Some temper tantrums you just gotta let work themselves out. Do like I do with my children in times like this: send them to their room, close the door, and let them know they can come out when they’re more in control of themselves.

Voted for Hillary but the way this place acts I feel like I understand why a republican won.

Can you guys please get back to being a tech blog and stop whining about social issues?

Is EVERYONE at Gizmodo butt hurt about this election? Jesus Christ move on to something else.

Well I just asked my non-car non-race knowledge girlfriend to name some famous RACES. (I was very clear about that, you will see why I’m pointing this out.) So here is some antidotal stuff from a librarian.

Don’t you know? USA = the whole world.

I say this as an American...Holy shit is your ethnocentrism on another level. You know that most of the rest of the world doesn’t know about the Indy 500, right? It’s pretty much an American thing. That’s not to say it’s unheard of, because it’s not among racing fans across the globe. The issue, though, is that

Spoken like a true American.

Okay buddy, you’re the one who wanted to swim in the kiddie pool, but i suppose if we must we can swim in the adult pool.

Now while i do agree i find driving at the limit is more enjoyable to watch. i also have to admit that i prefer the feel of drift events as most drifters aren’t pampered rich kids. lets face it professional racers arent exactly selfmade, while quite a few professional drifters come from kids who played around with

Why you gotta hate on rap?

Probably should stop clicking on article about drifting if you don’t want to see “drifting losers”. Or is basic common sense too much for you to grasp?

High five for coming up with such a cool and edgy response! I can’t even believe how counter-cultural you are!