
Agreed. It’s a rolling liability for everyone else in the Weathertech series. It needs to be taken behind the barn at this point.

You can get permission to do these sorta things. Pretty certain that Doug would not have driven it on the road without doing so first.

I’m 6'3" and I fit myself into a Toyota TS050 Hybrid training sim (basically the front half of the car, cut off just behind the cockpit) by using the legs first method. It’s cosy but it’s definitely doable.

This was in the UK - pulling to the right is going further from the side of the road. Unless he was planning to stop on the wrong side of the road, then he probably wasn’t pulling over.

It’s not the people’s fault that the actual pool was at capacity.

You’re the kind of person that is making people outside of America laugh at America.

Are you saying she’s been let go from Gawker?

The Silverstone Classic was on this weekend (no prizes for guessing where) which is, as far as I am concerned, a Goodwood Festival of Speed beating event. I certainly had more fun at the Classic this year than I did at Goodwood, and that’s saying something. Racing highlights include Lotus Elans and Jaguar E-Types

Britain has (unfortunately) decide to leave the EU. Not Europe. We’re not sailing the island away to South-East Asia.

Formula One is and has been a joke for several years now. It is becoming more and more convoluted and micromanaged. It’s a house of cards that isn’t sustainable.

Sod off. The FIA WEC comes from the same place and is nothing like this.

It’s embarrassing how big the Ford media circus is. I was super stoked that they were coming back, but then Le Mans happened and I was disgusted by their behaviour. They should not be getting this much publicity.

There’s only one Corvette in this series.

It’s meant to be an air vent for the fuel tank. Fuel isn’t supposed to come out of it, but in this case, it did. Not sure why yet.

The Viper won the IMSA championship 2 years ago. Ford is currently second in that championship, behind Corvette Racing. The Ford and Viper would probably be on par with one another.

Sounds like you’re describing a Tesla interior. Give me barebones and basic or nothing. A car is for driving, not for a giant non-tactile touchscreen.

When did I say either was acceptable? Please, point that out to me.

The Ford GT is a GTLM spec car. This is a GT3 spec car. They do not race against one another.

I absolutely cannot recommend a single-shoulder camera bag, especially if you have larger/heavier lenses. It will cause you injury quicker than you’d think. I’d highly recommend something like a Lowepro Flipshide AW 400 or 500, depending on how much space you need. Not only will it allow you to support the weight

I absolutely cannot recommend a single-shoulder camera bag, especially if you have larger/heavier lenses. It will

It’s stuff like this that caused me to lose interest in F1 in the first place. It’s all boneheaded drivers and crappy politics. Why it’s still as popular as it is is a mystery to me, F1's marketing budget aside.