is that sarcasm or thats how it works?
Ive wanted a fully loaded F150 but price moves into nice sports car territory.
is that sarcasm or thats how it works?
Ive wanted a fully loaded F150 but price moves into nice sports car territory.
who wears a seat belt in the back seat?
inb4 everyone. BULLSHIT
Why must it always be a benis and not a vagena or bobs?
DAMN! shawty getting T H I C C!
they’d be like that now if it werent for the government and ridiculous taxes.
what is a 7777? or was that a typo?
after all the comments...i think his wife had something to do with this. she probably wanted something ‘safer for the family’. one man cant be so stupid...hopefully.
“It did not go too far. We knew where to draw the line,” he said.
from what ive seen in racing, im guessing the audi driving was already turning the wheel(to the right), therefore causing it to drive up on the car on the right..momentum handled the rest.
*those mechanical noises between shifts*
until it gets hit with the ol’ BoP
its a preference thing. I use cars and carguru.
race control/CAM have been off the mark this year. excessive penalizing over minor mistakes. this year is gonna be tough.
speeding tickets make me sick. in the city and thick urban/rural fine, no issue. but on the highway!
I pray a drunk truck swerves into your trap.
if only it was rwd.
fucking clickbait
explain what you mean by this.
more taxes, how much more do I have to pay to own and drive my vehicle. is it that much of a luxury?
or, the government could re purpose assets to fix the roads.
GM needs to bring that to america to compete with the transit. the express van is DONE!