
same, i ended 20 minutes into episode 2. i just don't really care about how or why he left

Yeah, I unashamedly love Avatar

Sunday Bloody Sunday - U2

Losing my Religion - REM

hans zimmer already working on his nazi-tinged BWAMPPPPPPPPPPP

Check out his ponderosa, he ignores the rest of the cast to go chill with the locals in lawn chairs

how how how do you get undercovers into mp3s? asking for a friend

Let's be honest, Death Cab in general is the perfect autumnal band. There are a lot of bands made for the extremes - the hot summer or the cold winter, but not that many that embody a transitional moment from one phase to the next.

it is, but there's still some of his actual voice and writing in there - probably 60% of it is poll-tested messaging stuff (much of it outdated by now), but there's still a decent amount in there that serves as an unofficial epilogue to Dreams. But yeah, eagerly awaiting the post-presidency memoir

this was probably all contracted and written at least 6 months ago. i have to wonder if they would do it again after everything that's happened this football season

at least with ted mosby, by the end of the series the writers were mostly in on the joke - we never reached that point with pete

The Audacity of Hope. I thought I should finally finish it before the President is out of office

I was wondering about this too - I think it may just be that she isn't as visibly scheming or hustling at camp like Spencer, Jeremy, and Tasha are. She does things a lot more quiet and subtle than those three, so they probably have a hard time seeing what her game is. Plus she's been on some form of a minority

"Didn't Barry tell you I had a rough childhood?" - line of the night

yeah, he was actually not bad in John Carter. the movie/marketing, however…

This was my thought as I was watching it. I can't believe that we are going to get our THIRD big screen iteration of Lex Luthor, and not one has resembled the version of Lex that we've all known for the past 30 years now.

Just saw them live on the third show of their tour, and I didn't put it together until halfway through, but… Is this a breakup album?

this show should have ended after season 1, or 2. Season 1 was perfect TV, and could have just stood by itself in a better world

Studio logic: Consumers will be scared of a female-led movie (Captain Marvel)… what if we PRIME them a year before with a movie featuring a boy AND a girl?

Yep it's become increasingly clear that the TV part of the MCU is basically a sub-canon like the EU, with the rare appearances by Samuel J Jackson and a few others the exception to the rule