
If this is their Pop, that makes me really excited to listen to their All That You Can't Leave Behind in four years.

Please no! Don't ruin a good thing.

very douchey dudes but they can write a great pop hook. like every generation of musicians!

she is the first celebrity i was ever attracted to, i think

S'all Good, Man!

I may be wrong, but I think since HvV they now show a limited highlight reel to players of back-to-back contestants, so they have a general sense of what happened the previous season. For example, i think Zeke and Michaela are more of a known quantity this year than Russell was back then

Ryan and other members in leadership on both sides get Secret Service details of varying sizes - i think 3 agents for him, Pelosi, Schumer and McConnell, 1 for their deputies.

I live my life a quarter mile at a time - and for those two hours or less of bitchin' entertainment on SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY, I am free.

This is a good idea! Could you do this for Survivor when it comes back?

the Crispin books were my favorite non-Zahn books as a kid because they were so unique but still Star Wars-y (i.e. better than the kevin j anderson dreck)

like our PEOTUS, Gov LePage was elected twice without a majority of the vote. Maine has a strong third party tradition and the independent candidate took votes both times that would have defeated LePage.

i love that the rock seems to be just playing this straight as a 44 year old lifeguard. like, why not

i'm going to take a wild guess here that this involves dom pretending to be evil to protect paul walker's family. ockham's razor of dom toretto character motivations is that he's DOING IT FOR FAMILY, and joanna brewster isn't credited on cast that I can see, so I bet there's some ridiculous act three reveal that he

Yes - Birbigs also said that they brought in an improv coach for the group before filming started

agreed! those were the only two parts that rang false to me as well, especially the on-stage relationship stuff

I saw a showing of the movie at SIFF where Birbiglia did a Q&A afterward - he said that the improv scenes are entirely scripted! I was shocked, they did such a great job of making it convincing

yeah like the references are kind of excessive but it actually ends up being a good book

yeah all the shows are mediocre at best right now with literally no signs of ever improving. we all lose

i am right with you. i'm a huge DC fan, have seen every episode of the Arrow-verse since day 1.

dude i am totally in the same spot. quit SHIELD before this season, quit supergirl early on, and now i am so fatigued on the CW berlanti-verse. i think legends of tomorrow was just a step too far, that show is nearly unwatchable