
Coming soon to a theater near you: That blind item about the plot revolving around Luke's severed hand is totally fake!

RE: the desk, Letterman specifically advised him to change it to that side of the stage

Did Jemas get to profit at all from Marvel Studios? Or was he forced out at just the right moment to not see any of the Hollywood money?

Vader gets called the Dark Lord of the Sith in Episode IV during Ob-Wan's first monologue, I think?

Right, before Episode I wasn't there fan debates about whether Palpatine was Sith at all? Because the only time it was used was to call Vader "The Dark Lord of the Sith"


Well yeah it's obviously a spinoff despite their PR spin, but they want to trick people into thinking it's a NEW THING, I guess.

Reading between the lines, and acknowledging the current show's cratering ratings: I think that season 3 will be the last for SHIELD no matter what and this is the exit strategy. By launching this with its own marketing campaign separate from the mother ship, they probably hope to get ratings better than SHIELD has

Hoping that this is a splashy way for Stephen Colbert to let everyone know that "Stephen Colbert" the character will be hosting the Late Show too. Have fun Jeb!

fun fact: Tad Kubler from the Hold Steady was Love's touring guitarist over the past few months

Jake, you're thinking of Jake.

MIB in this series still makes me giggle thinking about how ridiculous he was, and I haven't seen it over a year. Such an amazing character

they have material now for a season 4 now that bachelorette is doing two bachelorettes at once!

they filmed S2 and S3 simultaneously

Yeah I scrolled down after writing this and felt ashamed

He also wouldn't have had a beer with anyone, because he was sober

Ya… there is absolutely no way this will be utilized in the new movies

"Hard rules" are the only rules Koogler knows how to make

I did think it was funny that in the lead-up to Season 4 being released, all of these supposed AD fans starting coming out of the woodwork (in real life, not on the internet) to talk about how much they loved the show and couldn't wait for it to return. And then Season 4 was released, they watched a few episodes, and