
That’s the thing that really grinds my gears. The story that you always, always hear from these guys is that they aren’t unreasonable, or bad people. They’re just self-reliant, good people who want to be free of busybody outsiders who don’t understand their lives and don’t know their problems telling them what to do

Actually Bitcoin is 100% secure if its stored correctly. My Bitcoin is stored offline meaning no hacker could ever get to it. Its called “cold storage”. If you don’t store your Bitcoin properly its your fault if you lose it. Its the first thing everyone should learn before buying Cryptocurrency.

You don’t seem to understand that exchanges are a thing. If I had 10,000 BTC in a wallet, I could sell them right now on Kraken or Coinbase or Exmo for ~$99.87m in USD, extract my cash and dump it into a checking account and literally have $99.87m. It’s not like your money is trapped in BTC or even in crypto. You can

Thats why you need to know how to store your Bitcoin. Its referred to as “cold storage”. My Bitcoins are stored offline on a password protected USB stick which make its absolutely impossible for any hacker to get to them.

Alt-right’s almost as bad as “alternative facts.” Let’s call ‘em what they are: fascism (as you noted) and lies.

“Fake news” and “snowflake” can both go straight to hell, while you’re at it.

Sometimes there are exceptions. Like how 1/3 of the population of Ultima Online would roleplay an asshole given human form and the ability to speak...just shitting on everything you do. Or the people in WoW whose dedication to RP led to their walking everywhere. I loathed the first group but the WoW walkers were

Life in Aggro pretty much nailed the general pitfalls of RP servers on every MMO since the history of ever.

Enter any RP server, and you’ll encounter the following within the first five minutes:

-The tragic character who is dark and broody in the manner only a teenager can truly achieve, whose backstory includes

They even had a weird social auxiliary site where you could find people in your area who... liked the same memes? This actually started relationships.

Imgur right now:

Won’t you all join me in the campaign to ban the use of “welp”?

Nugget the “Turkey” demands that you get over your fear, and plunge into the streets of Kamurocho without further delay.

For all its flaws, Brütal Legend has one of the most beautiful worlds ever created. That game is full of jaw dropping beauty and is as pure a love letter to heavy metal as has ever existed.

The Norrathian Realm is my pick. Ive more or less lived there for nearly 2 decades, after all. From the jungles of Kunark, to the scorched deserts of Luclin, to the otherworldly lands of Kuua, the realm of EverQuest is a vast expanse that is as varied as the people who played the game in the last 18 years. The

where did you get this footage of me every night?

Reading through the gray comments now, I need a drink.

good point