
I started writing a whole long spiel about how you could make changes to the system and halfway through I realized I’m just fucking tired of this. I’m someone who doesn’t own a gun and wants to be able to go to concerts, or go see a movie, or play a congressional baseball game, or go to church, or go to school, or

For anyone counting, this one IS a first amendment issue, what with the sheriff and that prosecutor saying they will try to bring charges. That is the government trying to suppress free speech (as opposed to twitter removing a checkmark, which is not). Now lets see those self styled libertarians on the alt!right

Fuck Trump.

Or Solomon Kane. Or Slaine.

Wait, Kelly, that’s not... how... time...

Or an adaptation of Elric of Melniboné.

Give me a Shadowrun realm please. Cyberpunk needs to step up now.

Tolkien’s own works are a world apart from his imitators, though. For one thing, Middle-Earth isn’t really Medieval European fantasy; it takes more cues from the Saxons of the Viking Age, ancient Rome and other earlier eras than it does from the Medieval period. And though it codified the genre of high fantasy, it

Ah, but the woes of a wealthy, middle aged, disillusioned man are another matter entirely. I thrill to hear it in the dulcet tones of the audio book version.

Exactly. If he really wants to make the character revolutionary, he should make the middle aged disillusioned man a college professor, then showed him having an affair with an attractive student of his.

My thoughts exactly. Such a brave, unique perspective the world has never seen.

I appreciate this breath of fresh air. The woes of middle aged disillusioned men are a frankly underexplored theme in literature and film. I look forward to what will doubtless be a unique insight into this marginalised perspective.

“It was an unfortunate incident,” Gibson said on “Playback” when asked about the fact that there are many who feel they can no longer support him or his work. “I was loaded and angry and arrested. I was recorded illegally by an unscrupulous police officer who was never prosecuted for that crime. And then it was

Wait, so people would bitch and moan about DLC, and now they’re enraged that they CAN’T pay to unlock something? Fucking kids these days.