
I don’t know how Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas gets left off the list.

and The Fisher King,

Yea I’ve got a bunch of pics. I flew a lot on these in Iraq so I have a lot of aerial photos as well. Those two birds in the pic that look like we ran a chop shop were exactly that. We couldn’t get parts into Iraq back then(2003-2004) because of logistics issues. So we took the two most raggedy birds we had and

I had a lot of fun in the Army fixing on these. These are from Iraq.

I love watching omnivores taking advantage of a free buffet.

I was about 9 the first time I watched Porky’s, so many jokes went over my head. I knew they were funny and dirty, but couldn’t grasp specifically why. Mike Hunt was one of those jokes.

Yep, PORKY’S and POLICE ACADEMY. She never needed to do SATC to cement her place in Hollywood history.

For some older folks, she’s probably also remembered for her role in Porky’s. To this day, I get the giggles whenever I hear someone say “tallywacker”.

Also Big Trouble in Little China

Also, even nerds!

Now playing

All she’s known for!?! Ahem. Excuse me. Perhaps you’re not acquainted with a little movie called MANNEQUIN??

I will never understand this dude’s popularity with women. The man basically kept a creepy babe-zoo in his house and only supported ‘women’s empowerment’ as long as it fit his idea of women being naked and not being ~prudes~ about it. If literally any other man did this, would we applaud him for being an ‘icon’?

What he’s really worried about, the reason he seems so angry at Patty Jenkins, is that she has a bigger dick than he does now, figuratively speaking.

dating in New York as a 30-something executive in private equity