
I’m a vegetarian with a celiac friend, a coffee loving friend and a couple of friends who don’t drink.

When I went to read his ‘article’ I saw the main photo and wondered: How ARE pork rinds made? Will I see videos of the mechanical processes in which living animals are killed, butchered, portioned and parceled into pork meat products?

Arguments are moot?

Dear ‘Sir Dipping Sauce’.

Agreed :)

When (American) society started using ‘male’ and ‘female’ as nouns in the 1990s, it was when dictionaries still listed them as adjectives. ‘Language tipping points’ and ‘rule of cool’ and ‘general usage’ aren’t valid reasons to change those definitions. You might as well argue that it’s OK to be stupid and lazy.

On the topic of X-Com: Enemy Unknown:

Good choice. BL is a sadly underrated game.

I’m torn between Britannia (one of several continents on Sosaria).

UO n00bs with names like ‘Legolas3000', ‘C==¦=0YourMom0=¦==Ɔ‘ and ‘W33DW1ZARD[420]’ standing outside Britain bank, dressed entirely in neon, spamming “SELLING ULTRA RARE QUEST ITEMS IRC/FORUM/ *UOWHORE* !!!!!!!!!!” in precise intervals?

*Waits two minutes*

‘Female’ is an adjective, not a noun.

Imgur’s been around a long time. The commenting & voting system began as sort of a way to promote funny captions for the pictures people were uploading to Reddit, but it grew into being its own thing over time.

Doggoes/Puppers; floofs; FWIW, SMH, YMMV and other acronyms that force you back to UrbanDictionary like a clueless old person; ‘u’ in place of ‘you’; typing in ALL CAPS/all lower case without any punctuation whatsoever and using ‘female’ as a noun.

He’s right. Although he omitted platform games, 2d racing games, 2d RPG games and 2d combat games. Which are games in which controllers are perfect.

How did I get into Star Wars? I was 10.

It’s like you kids can’t imagine a world in which game publishers give a shit about you.

Why should the US Navy be angry about this?