
If he were intellectually a genius, he would have done something worthwhile and helpful for humanity. Or at least not made and then subjected us to those fucking shows, which are actually quite stupid and in fact appeal to the lowest common denominator.

Same here! I actually remember when I realized that about myself quite awhile back, and remember telling a friend the exact same thing not too long ago. The way it plays out for me in reality is that mostly I'm just deeply disappointed and have to intentionally withhold my tendency to make blanket judgments about

Well, this is the worst thing I've heard all day. blech

Ah, alright, thanks for reminding me about the door. That would definitely preclude their ever crossing paths again. When I played it, I just thought the idea of not killing him and letting him turn to be the cruelest thing she could do and found it disturbing to think about.

Interesting, thank you for telling me. I played through Warcraft 3 RoC and TFT twice and didn't even notice. I always had a hard time taking the plot for Blizzard strategy games more seriously than as something to string together and provide context to campaign missions, which weren't intended to be the main

How would an undead Lee be prevented from wandering around by losing whatever limb (other arm I think) was chained to that radiator?

Warcraft Adventures is the main one that comes to mind.

This show's still on? Seriously though, I'd long written off (maybe too strong wording) this show as running simply to drive in a record that won't be feasible for another show to surpass, or just because they can or whatever. It's impressive that core cast hasn't been lost due to death or otherwise prior to this

Just want to chime in with the reminder that the main reason Sony even made a Spider-Man movie back in 2012 was to extend their ownership rights of the franchise and prevent it from turning back over to Marvel Studios.

The way this ended up formatted on my browser, I read it as "High I still can't quite always remember to correctly write 'Spider-Man' instead of Spiderman", and my first thought was that you were missing a comma after "High".

If the tattooed Joker wasn't supposed to be official, I guess it's a possible explanation that their release was the equivalent of a focus group test on the Internet on the off chance that people actually liked them but where they could totally save face if people responded as they should to a really, really bad idea.

That Fox News did nothing to reprimand Bill O'Reilly for shit he says on his opinion show has nothing to do with a news organization that wants to uphold a certain standard for news integrity and credibility appropriately punishing Williams.

Just because Fox News doesn't do anything punitive to Bill O'Reilly, doesn't mean it's a crazy world that NBC is seeking to uphold its reputation by suspending Williams or that NBC is doing anything wrong.

[Obligatory ICP Joke]

By varying degrees of quality, I'm assuming you mean in a range between terrible to merely mediocre. And until you brought up Hitler, we were referring to levels of animosity that culminate in "compulsively bitching about" and wasting time on message boards discussing merits of said movies and Special Editions, not

No one was really against the idea of him making the Special Editions until they saw what the changes actually were and how terrible and that it meant they were complete replacements for the originals, which he was stubbornly going to try to destroy with a fair measure of "fuck you" thrown in.

Or that he's envious that they'll probably be good and people will like them.

To be understanding about all the animosity, he did unapologetically make those three Star Wars prequels.

So I just saw the new one this last evening, and my god was it ever terrible. I hated the wrap-around intro and the magician (the actor as well as the segment), and it never got better from there. I even hated the parallel dimension one. The ending was so stupid, and the editing / editing effects are atrocious

I like the Skype one a lot too but understand why people don't. The haunted house segment was great and was better than everything in the sequel except the "Safe Haven", and I love "Amateur Night" and "Second Honeymoon".