
Seems the point Bannon was making that there's power in the opposition (liberals) seeing him as an absurdly larger-than-life evil was lost on the writer.

I like the old one better, but in two-and-a-half months most of us will have forgotten what it looked like or even that it had changed.

Seems like this is only stuff he should be sharing after the movie's already out and he's renowned for his performance (which isn't going to happen). The fact that we all know it's going to suck, and he's telling us all this prior comes off as insecure, gimmicky, and pathetic.

Haha, yeah, but the problem I have with the title of this article is that it says there definitely will be gay SW characters when that's not what Abrams actually said.

Fair enough, and also let's all be very clear about this: Nacho Libre was incredibly stupid.

As I reflected more about my attitude towards Affleck's playing Batman, one of the main things that concerns me about it is the possibility of Affleck's ego stepping in to try to make Batman "his" by aiming for making his performance to somehow be the definitive portrayal of Batman/Wayne. prompting him to seek to

Hey, now that you mention it, that sounds like a really great idea for the plot-line for a new movie… oh, wait.

I'm wondering whether the standing ovation more motivated by the merits of the movie, or more by their estimation of how profitable and marketable it will be.

I read through a bunch of the comments to look for some kindred souls without finding any, so have to ask, there can't be that few of us who can't stand Jack Black and have an extremely averse reaction to his person/his presence and most all of the movies he's in?

I agree. Bart's throwing the Krusty walkie-talkie (burner) in the trash was a nice touch, and the employees' filing into the plant was reminiscent of the kids getting let into school in the Wire's Season 4 opening.

My god, this is so terrible it was difficult for me to read all the way through. There's so much wrong with it, but the main thing that frustrates me is that I didn't think the Sadness character was fat until I had read this; I just thought she was charmingly homely. Her blog post also confirms my suspicion that

Ah okay, that's funny, and I feel silly your joke went over my head. Glad we cleared this up all around.

Okay, that's enough now, guys. Let's not get carried away or anything here. Also, they should remember that Leonard Nimoy is no longer with us to grant undeserved legitimacy to and distract from the fact that there's an ST movie they really shouldn't have even made and that isn't actually good, unless they want to

In case this is an actual, serious question, The Voyage Home was the subtitle for the 4th movie, and also there was a TV show called Star Trek: Voyager.

I always thought it was audacious of them to call it the Xbox One (as in it's supposedly the one device you need) and not be backward compatible, which to me amounts to their saying to the customer, "you know those hundreds to thousands of dollars you invested in the Xbox 360?..". So, I agree with the article in that

This just reminded me there were friends from my parents' church whose parents wouldn't let their kids watch The Smurfs for some reason I can't remember, but think it had something to do with there being an anti-Christian agenda in it (subliminally?) or something.

Lie Detector: *Ding!*

Superintendent Chalmers: I'm a bit of a crossword head myself. They help me relax after a day of having to deal with… Skinner!

Was what you really were asking is why it's pointless, or to be explained to how it's pointless, or were you asking why is the author saying it's pointless? Did you intend to be seriously asking a question at all (as opposed to trolling people)? "Why" is a lot simpler a word than "Nihilism" is.

"Ever since the beginning of time, man has yearned to destroy the Sun"