It's somewhat nihilistic of the developers to assume that it's okay to create multiple titles of full games filled with missions that are just variations of:
It's somewhat nihilistic of the developers to assume that it's okay to create multiple titles of full games filled with missions that are just variations of:
Again, there's medications dealing with profoundly upsetting psychological disturbances, and then there's ADHD meds, a huge difference between them that apparently makes all the difference when discussing this comic.
Some other distinctions can be drawn between the parents and others that deeply care about any given child, on the one hand, and parents and authority figures that don't care, on the other, as well as between the medical professionals and industries that care, at least in part, about making a profit (some of whom…
quote: "1. " I don't think the kids should be medicated just to fit an increasingly narrow social design." I don't think so either, but I don't see any widespread evidence that they are." /quote
Still, you're making the point that my comparing people's reactions to appropriated comics (not the fact that they're appropriated in the first place and saying nothing about whether they should have been) warrants my being told to go fuck myself or whatever based on the respective artistic credibility of each comic's…
I know, right? How audacious to compare the reactions of people to bastardizations of two different humor comic strips, since Jim Davis is such a fucking sell-out.
The (perceived) attack was "if you're such an expert, who the fuck are you to say", etc. This whole thing started with my defending a comic, not trying to make broad claims about these things, so I should have stayed out of that. But since I already made that mistake, I still think there's nothing wrong with…
I thought about it after I wrote it, before I read you're response, and I think you're actually right. I believe I remember strips where Hobbes actually calls him out on it.
I would think the burden of proof would be on those who say that the benefits of giving kids (again, amphetamine-based) Adderall, for example, out-weighs the serious side-effects and risk, but I don't know for sure. Either way, I'm not knowledgeable enough to continue an argument with you on this (and never claimed…
If you read it as his having taken amphetamine-based Adderall or methylphenidate-based Ritalin, I don't see how you could be arguing against the comic from a logistics point-of-view (that's an accurate depiction of the function/effect of those drugs) or from a standpoint of the supposed benignness of administering a…
Calvin's not unadulterated-ly lonely, he's highly anti-social, and there's a huge difference. He's not seeking companionship in a world that he fails to connect with, he's rebelling against a world he doesn't want to have a part of, and I think it's a significant distinction.
Somebody did that to Garfield (without words), and people fucking love it, but that's because Garfield sucks, I suppose (though I sure did love it as a kid). The C&H meds comic is no where near on the level of blasphemy achieved by whomever was making those shitty car window stickers and T-shirts of Calvin urinating…
RE: The fake strip, I always thought it was about how medicating children has a negative effect on their imaginations and creativity, which whatever it is driven by (loneliness, hyperactivity, mania, some combination, or children just being children) is irrelevant to the (fake) comic's working, and the comic isn't…
Filing this under "doesn't need to be done" and "should leave alone".
No, I had attempted something along those lines already and am rather proud of myself, thank you.
Though that had been used alternately as a coaster and bookmark for so long it had depreciated significantly in value, unfortunately.
Definitive proof people spend way too much money for computers that aren't even good just because they are Apple.
I thought it was Fern Gully: The Last Rainforest that had taught that lesson years ago.
*Entire team dies*
To Tron Foo, Thanks For Everything, Julie Newmar