
I had a conversation with a friend once in which we agreed we thought the first one was better and didn't understand why everyone liked the second more and many were even shitting on the first. I could see why people would think the segment with the cult alone was better than anything offered in the first one, but I

I am too except where phases I go through where I play way more than I normally do or is healthy for adults in my opinion. I think there's really nothing at all in the world wrong with "sucking" at video games, so the frustration is in the eye of the beholder, ie, what I'm trying to say 10-15 deaths over the course

A lot of times they get it in advance of the release. They are on a deadline, but it should be fair to assume they enjoy gaming and have a base level of skill, experience, and knowledge to write a fair review. Not having a lot of time is not an excuse for writing a negative review based on false premises.

Nice to hear from someone who was thinking that himself!

If you don't like stealth games at all, then no, you would not like this game. In my opinion, the story is solid and it's atmospheric with tension though, so you may like it after all.

Except, in this case, it's not a you suck, n00b argument. Do you have moderate skill in playing first-person shooters involving stealth, and have you even played the game? 10-15 deaths over the course of 6 or 7 hours is a pretty forgiving game, and I died no where near that many times in that amount of time I spent

This is my favorite game I've played so far this year, and it's probably the first game that has given me the same sort of delight I got from playing System Shock 2 the first time way back when, even more so than the Bioshock games.