
...as someone who just bought his first house: yes.

Yeah, honestly, the “Tom Nook is evil” thing is pretty played out at this point, and way too played out to be an article. He’s fairer than any actual real estate agent/contractor.

I like to enjoy joking about Tom Nook being the bad guy or some mafioso loan shark as much as the next person. But, to play devil’s advocate. . .

Tom Nook is basically building you a house, all his labor and materials costs need to be recouped and he does so by just trusting you that you will pay him back one day.



Ed leaving with his father

Sorry to be that guy, but Ed is a she. :P

Cult classic seems like an interesting description. Even in the late 90s Cowboy Bebop seemed unusually popular and mainstream for an anime, at least in the US.

She Ra! Now 80% more male! Very broad shoulders, tight hips, no breasts whatsoever, masculine face devoid to femininity. Change the long hair and it is a man.

Or or or, she had nothing to actually say because perhaps it didn’t happen. 

“She had thought they were catcalling her, only to realize after she took her earbuds out that they were in fact shouting about how they planned to vote for her in Tuesday’s primary”

No anecdote has ever summed up Wu’s hammer-nail philosophy as well as this one.  

I have zero desire to get into the mess surrounding Wu (as Gamergate is and always has been toxic as fuck, and founded on a number of fallacy-laden arguments), but I’m just going to put this out there: Comparing a political candidacy to soldiers fighting in World War II, where hundreds of thousands of American

It's gonna be an even longer shot when her criminal record for stalking and harassment gets out. 

Isn’t that what Aziz Ansari did immediately following the article that tanked him - it was said he reached back out to the woman and apologized personally and profusely - and yet... he’s still not forgiven?

He would have said something more dignified, but he’s preoccupied, what with it being National Bone Spur Awareness Day.

No I was referring to the people who get offended on the behalf of others when someone is misgendered.

It doesn’t belittle anyone. Is it a dumb, unfunny joke? Yes. But it’s just poking fun at people who take gender way too seriously. 

I want you to imagine that maybe nothing about what was tweeted by CDPR today was cruel. Now imagine that a type of trans/lgbtq+/wtv person exists that has a sense of humor, and can even *gasp* poke fun at themselves.

Now here’s the bombshell:
Both of those imaginary situations are true.

So, after learning this, what

Oh no... A subset of a subset of people has been offended but in no real way affected by a joke. My heart goes out to them.
I hope deleting the tweet was enough, and pray they recover swiftly.