
I don’t know why. His chance of conviction in these current times, where pwning the libs and supporting Trump is more important to rightwingers than following the law, means he would have a pretty good chance of, if not aquittal then at least a perpetual hung jury.

Actually yes, because compared to 10 years ago detroit is doing several times better than any outsider could ever imagine. Stop by, I’ll take you to lunch and show you the downtown area. 

america works just like a car... you put it in (D) to go forward and (R) to go backwards...

I don’t think I could have enough coffee for that.

I haven’t had enough coffee to be dealing with this bullshit yet.

Hayter is also Snake in Smash Ultimate, so that’s a good thing.

Is the beer also overrated by people from the West Coast?

what are jokes

I completely agree with you. I’m sick of hearing about “gender identity” all the time. If you were born with a penis your a man, if you were born with a vagina you are a woman end of story. Your perception of what gender you are is 100% a pychological one not a physical one.

I’m tired too; and sadly they make up far more than that percentage.

Transgender people make up something like one half of one percent of the population. I’m tired of reading about them.

So legitimate question; why use female pronouns in this story before she went through her transition and at the time was identifying as male? I’m only asking since I’m the case of this story it makes it a bit more difficult to read and understand and required some re-reading. Seems like it would be appropriate here to

It’s a bit difficult to sell “let’s just ignore the President of the United States,” as much as my sanity would very much enjoy that.

Not go away.  He’ll still be stupid and orange.  But people like him hate not being talked about.  Then their precious ego isn’t stroked.  

I don’t like the man. I don’t like his administration. I don’t care for the buffoons who follow him religiously. While he does bring it upon himself, I am just tired of all of the reporting about him. You know what would piss him off? Never talking about him. Reminds me of the Arkham Knight game.  At the end,

I have said it before and I’ll say it again. Anyone who posts an automatic car as a manual in an online ad should be sentenced to death.

There is no greater disappointment than finding the perfect vehicle. Everything is exactly how you want it to be and then the interior shot comes and its a fucking automatic. The

See, this is exactly why I don’t own a Huracan.

This is the best part. Just because taxi drivers are losing their jobs to better services, I’m supposed to feel bad? Let’s implement redundant and restrictive rules to save other dying jobs. 

She’s talking about the sound effects he makes with his mouth.

We’ve dubbed this man “Shift Bae” in the office.