
I blame the absence of fathers in the white community. Where is the personal responsibility???

Because racecar?

Here, let’s speed it up a little bit.

OK, no one is “asking for it” nor should that ever be an excuse for deplorable behavior. However, let’s also not stick our head in the sand and play dumb. Sex sells and, yeah, sometimes streamers are intentionally using that to gain viewers.

Combat isn’t sluggish, it’s deliberate. Let that sink in. If you’re used to action games like Bayonetta or Devil May Cry where a dodge button can cut your animations short and get you away from danger then you may think it’s sluggish.

Yeah it’s a design choice for sure. MH has always tended away from having you do things ‘on reaction’ and more toward you doing things in advance and committing to them fully. What I mean is, they don’t want you to start a weapon swing without being sure it will land. They don’t want you to drink a potion without

Slow your thinking down. Get past that FASTHACKSLASH mindset from other genres. You are a mere human trying to fell a massive beast. You need patience and skill and precision.

More like Forever 1991.

As a history teacher in high school, I think this kid’s letter is the visual representation of awesome. At nine he is coherent, asking legitimate questions and pointing out problems. The real problem is the teacher’s dismissive comment that didn’t actually say anything. The teacher is disappointed? Maybe they should

King is a child. The teacher is an adult. He did in fact pose a challenge to this educator. Some teachers are bureaucrats. Some truly are talented artists who inspire. You can either accept a challenge as an opportunity or a disappointment.

You’re taking a lot of liberties in assessing what did and did not happen in this situation. I wonder if she actually did say this and not the perhaps bullshit that you assume she probably said. In my experience, teachers will often treat young students as if they are completely clueless to anything that their lesson

I hope they do a whole line of Wipeout figures. I’d collect those and Horizon Zero Dawn ones without hesitation.

“specially crafted for kids and those who are kids at heart.”

This was a bad date. She had a horrible date with a clueless guy who thought he was being sexy and hot. She was made to feel uncomfortable, and it wasn’t right.

Just saying...

I know there’s inflation...

My father spent 20 years in the navy.. know what we never paid for.... We never paid for Healthcare, housing or electricity. Everything we bought was tax free.. food, gas, tvs, computers... So please add all that to what would be $43K now based on inflation... I appreciated the service people in the military do..

You are comparing $28k in 1997 with $29k in 2023. Adjusted for inflation, your $28k in 1997 is ~$43k today. The minimum wage in California today is $11. Using your numbers, they’re making $21.5k, or half of what you did as an Ensign. And you got way better benefits.

Congratulations on having a shitbag for a son, if you really are the father and not some troll. You should yank him up by the scruff of his neck and ask “what the fuck are you doing?” like a real father would.