
I mean... I’ve heard and said some fairly unscrupulous stuff during [insert multiplayer mario game here].

Zone de Erotica remains an eyesore to the Galleria area. A familiar eyesore that’s become apart of the landscape.

Dammit I want my afro to do this...

The powers that be prey on this mindset, that “nothing I do will matter/what’s one vote.” Any and all ways they can add obstacles and obstacles to those obstacles to keep the masses from voting or keep them disinterested/disenchanted/disillusioned will be happily employed.

This is nothing new.

He is the La Croix of late night hosts.

This long running gag of how Nook is this tyrant is something I never quite understood. Yeah he sold you a house and expected repayment for it but damn if I wish my mortgage company would let me pay my house back at my leisure and offer me upgrade packages with every pay off.

I can’t imagine anyone other than Splatoon players, Smash players, Rocket League players, Overcooked players, Monster Hunter players, Mario Kart players, Animal Crossing players, and several hundred others I can’t think of at the moment paying for this.

Jokes on all of you, I put a bunch of coal up my ass and now I’m a gajillionaire!

It’s not a matter of sexual attraction, it just looks so... safe... These anodyne aesthetics may be fine for some (and that’s perfectly alright; if it sells, it sells) but her proportions make her seem like she’s a female head put on a male body. I’m not saying she needs to be some buxom, fully endowed heroine or

That... that was so unnecessary... Why would he even.. What? 

My 240SX had Super HICAS which was essentially the same thing. Shame more sporty cars didn’t have this.

It really boggles the mind why people want this console and/or Nintendo to fail. I mean I remember The Great Console Wars of the 90s like anyone else but then I made enough to buy any and all systems I want. Seems like such a waste of time and energy to hate on folks for enjoying the stuff they enjoy.

I guess it just

Hit by a drunk building? I can get you the $$$$ you’re entitled to for your loss wages, your car, and your pain and suffering! Call me now at the law offices of Maybe and Idunno!!!

Dissenters will inevitably abhor

Forgot to mention weekly Lewis Hamilton hate.

I really wish this wasn’t

You shut your whore mouth >:’(

Similar appeal to MST3K I’d imagine. Different strokes and all that.

What? No boss from your first job?