
If I see anyone with a seven slotted grill wave at me, they’re getting one back. Hell I may even give a nod to an FJ... but definitely not a Hummer...

That Clue reference gave me a slight bit of solace. Slight.

It’s just common sense.

I don’t understand this....
If you absolutely MUST adapt MH to a movie why not just keep it related to the plot of the game; is it really difficult to build a story around a village hunting dragons and stuff? Hell, World managed to pinch out a loose plot that was coherent enough.

I respect a person’s right to have an opinion. Nothing else though.

This is so close by.... I kinda wanna check it out.

You misspelled “libs.”

I’ve been eyeing up a pair for my 280Z and my Wrangler

“We’d better take you in for questioning regardless...”

Diablos is an excellent tester of a Charge Blade user’s guard point game. He hits hard and relentlessly but he’s got massive tells to boot. I had to call in help to fell the bastard but definitely will be returning to solo the mission on a regular basis.

Mmm Charge Bae <3

I’ve been waiting 23 years for Wipeout ship models, constructing mag-lev models out of cardboard as a wee lad. This warms the cockles of my heart.

After my previous car was totaled out I wanted something a bit higher off the ground to instill a bit more confidence during one of Houston’s many floods. I also wanted to get into light offroading/overlanding and get back into camping like I used to.

I was really hoping this wasn’t Memorial City Mall’s C&C. How disappointing...

Please take me with you Elon Senpai ;_;


You gots tastes, my man.

I usually take it with me on the go and so far I pretty much haven’t been at all hampered by the battery. I say pretty much because occasionally something will turn the console on in my bag and it’ll run itself to around half a tank before I notice.

A system lock switch is something I really will be looking forward to