
Ridge Racer got me in to racing games. Yes I would eventually open up to Gran Turismo and the like but hell WipeOut has been and will always be my obsession. Even in a game like that though you’re never just shat on so mercilessly.

Come now, that’s a silly argument. It’s a competitive game so of course winning is what everyone wants to do. Something you play but can’t win or lose at isn’t a game.

I could never accept the whole “leveling the playing field” argument for shit like this. Even in a fluff game like this I want my skills behind the wheels to be rewarded not left up to some RNG item bukkake fuckfest.

...Ugh, I’m gettin’ salty just by responding...

Now playing

This guy gets it. I got so lost in the bass lines of old Genesis era tracks as a wee lad and don’t even get me started on Sonic CD’s music.

I agree, it’s catchy but forgettable. Way back when I had to make the choice between a Genesis and a SNES I went with Sonic because it had music I could (and did) just listen to for hours. The current crop of sonic games, Mania excluded, haven’t resonated with me musically speaking.

Also not to be persnickety but it’s

Generations has some pretty loli sounding female voices...

Because when Jim Crow laws ended all the white people and powers that be locked arms and let bygones be bygones. Much like after emancipation.

I bought a screen protector a week before launch... They’re so cheap too, why would anyone not immediately screen protect any type of mobile ANYTHING.

One thing I’ll definitely miss with the Wii U was the little birthday jingle at the beginning. It always brought a bit of warmth to my cold, callused heart.

Man, now you have me remembering the days I repaired my classmates PS2's Disc Read Errors. That dumb little white cog was my hustle for a minute!

And that’s not too far from what I’ve been telling people during the reservation and launch period. If you can afford the console, there’s no problem with being an early adopter - BotW will keep you occupied if nothing else. To those who missed out on the launch they’re fine too. Since there are not a lot of

what’s funny is all the stuff I see people bitch about (the short battery, the non-glass/sapphire screen, the use of this material over that material and the “cheap” feel) would drive up the selling price of this console dramatically. I don’t understand why that’s such a difficult concept for some.

My poor, sweet summer child. You can’t just bring valid and sound opinions into an argument of the Great Console Wars. For it’s not nearly enough for you to be happy with your purchase; no, I must shit on your decisions, strawman your views, and apply so much cognitive dissonance to this console that the weak launch

So I’m reminded of Gizmodo’s review of the PS4 what seems like forever ago. Grant it, this is sort of an apples to oranges comparison and not to mention reviewed by a different person altogether so bare that in mind. This quote here really stuck out at me however.

This post is underrated.

Clever girl...

And for the love of God, don’t take minority interest, participation, and turnout for granted!

If that is is TL;DR for you:
People will follow their guts over following their minds. That is something you can bet your last dollar on.

This was a tough one only because I acquired a 76 280Z for $800. Albeit it’s far from roadworthy currently.