
She’s a squid now actually.

It seems 2017 has claimed its first...

This argument dies when the person voices there displeasure of having to pay into universal healthcare. Where is the charity that Christ teaches/mandates?

Really lookin’ forward to those waffles.

I used to wonder why I had this loathing for Fallon. Even back in his SNL days I could not stand him breaking character and coyly look at the camera. Then I saw clips of his interview with Trump and that just cemented it. I’m sure he’s a nice guy but his baby-ass softball interview with Drumpf only served to normalize

Someone please reverse this <3

Late reply and likely of little consequence but if you don’t consider strategy as apart of racing then well... I suppose some folks don’t move on from the Fast and Furious movies.

Yep, I could imagine Lewis doing that and everyone would shit office chairs screaming about him being a primadonna or ballerina or.... wait...

Fuckin’ cognitive dissonance.

Yeah! How dare he wanted to win the F1 Championship!

As a Houstonian I could not disagree with your comments more. I sit my ass in gridlock on 290 with a grin cut across my face because my left foot and right arm have something to do to keep me from being bored out of my mind.

These collection of images caused me much heavy breathing.

Using an opponent to get a 3rd hop/recovery hop....mmmmmmm....

Man, I petitioned so hard for this despite knowing it was a snowball’s chance in hell.

Now this is how I like to start my mornings!

NSFW spoiler tag for that front image. Please.

Aaaaand I’m ganking that image
<3 youuuuuu~

One evening when coming home from work to the fourplex I rented that was inundated with huge tree roaches due to a nearby abandoned home being demo’d, I see one of the little cretins on my kitchen counter top.