New study out: people that eat lots of processed red meats tend to be fatties - links between obesity and early deaths to be studied next.
New study out: people that eat lots of processed red meats tend to be fatties - links between obesity and early deaths to be studied next.
I must be a real idiot. I drink k-cup coffee, read books on a tablet and probably plenty of other things that Gizmodo writers think are dumb. Thanks Gizmodo, not every blog has the balls to tell their readership that they're a bunch of mouth breathing fucktards with the regularity that you do.
I was always impressed with voice recognition on Android (especially when doing navigate to:), with one glaring exception. It couldn't understand names for shit. It might be better now, but not being able to do voice activated texts or calls really sucked when I had my Evo. I haven't had a ton of contact with Siri,…
I think I see why you don't find Colbert funny, is it hitting a little too close to home?
This is a pretty bad analogy. iPads are the same or better quality than their competitors and they cost about the same as similar sized & spec'ed tablets.
I agree with you, I'm a huge QT fan, but I didn't care for Kill Bill. I did like part 2 much better than the first part however.
Flint, you have a call. F-F-Flint you have a call.
I think 3 is the sweet spot. I had a 5 monitor tree before and honestly I almost never used the fifth. If they're large displays (23" +) two is plenty. I personally think the perfect setup is one large display in the middle with a 19" on either side turned 90 degrees in portrait mode for email & web browsing.
Not what I meant when I said I wanted "Athlete's Body".
As the Simpsons learned from Pinchy, I think you're heading down a dark road.
It seems like the tag line on that poster is backwards. It should be something like "Not All Super Beings are Heroes" - I guess that doesn't work either.
You had me until the whole "$90 a pair" part. wow.
per their website they're "double layer knee pads"
I'll hug him & squeeze him & call him George!
You can have porn, just don't pay for it.
Is this an example of what a female actually looks like? Her hand looks like she's doing a deformed shocker, she has popeye arms and her face/head is completely out of wack.
Your wrong about you're use of "you're". #corrections
I'm surprised there isn't more love for Arkham City here. Definitely my favorite game of the year.
Whoa whoa whoa! Roku has a porn channel?!?!
Thanks, here is another link for you: