
We'll agree to disagree. There is a reason why low carb diets like South Beach, Paleo, etc work. I've been eating paleo/primal for months and not only have I seen much more weight loss after I had plateaued for a while, but I've put on a lot more muscle and my recovery time is much shorter. Pretty much everyone

Bingo - carb intake is a huge reason Americans are so overweight.

don't let the tin foil get to tight around your head - cuts off circulation to the brain

my biggest issue with your post is that your mortgage payment is around $500 but you drive an M3 - lol wut? I'm not even sure we just read the same article.

I thought the same thing, pretty sure Thor was a girl.

You're ignorant. A trojan horse is not a virus. They ARE different. A trojan is a (usually malicious) program disguised as something else that tricks a user into running it. EVERY OS EVER is vulnerable to trojans.

I agree with everything you said except that the joke really wasn't very clever ;-)

I never said anyone was an idiot or that I've never done it. I'm just pointing out that it is a trojan and ALL operating systems are vulnerable to them. You shouldn't be so sensitive. I will say I've learned to stay away from the seedier sides of the internet, I don't pirate software, music or movies and I'm very

You get Trojans by visiting either a malicious website or opening email attachments. Per the F-Secure alert: Installation

This is a trojan, not a virus. Thanks for playing. All operating systems are vulnerable to trojans.

yeah, it's a trojan so like all trojans you have to visit a malicious website or click an attachment.

Here's my basic guide to staying virus free 99% of the time on any end user OS - keep your system patched (ALWAYS - your update checker should be running daily), don't pirate music, movies or software & make sure you know what you're opening before you click on attachments, links, etc. If your system is patched

His point is valid if somewhat oversimplified. Yes they "trick you" into running them, but users aren't getting these files from legit sites. They're usually P2P pirated downloads, shady porn sites, etc that infect users so I still think "uneducated users" applies, just not 100% of the time.

Go figure. I'm a Linux & Unix sysadmin working on a Macbook Pro with a WP7 device in my pocket. Strange world indeed.

I love WP7, but this cracked me up.

Yep, all of these sites have optimized video for IOS, so even though it's flash when you surf in a normal browser, in IOS it'll be html5, QT, etc. The Flash card has been played out big time, it's really not a big deal.

I would point to the lack of tablet apps and insanely frustrating browsing experience on Android as good examples of Kolder's point. I just want the fucking page on the Galaxy Tab to scroll, is that so hard?!?! Then the apps I'd want to use that they do have (usually phone apps, not tablet) tend to be bland

I use "Remoter VNC" (it has RDP & SSH plugins as well which are what I use - I don't use VNC) and I like it a lot.

Yeah, he's right. It is solid state memory, there is no "disk" in an iPad.