
Where did you see that, I've been trying to figure this out and haven't seen anything saying it's a Fire exclusive.

Is there any reason to believe these books wouldn't work in ANY Kindle app? I bet they work fine on your iOS & android devices.

How much porn have you seen that depicts healthy sexual relations? I sure haven't seen much. It's one thing when you're an adult that knows better, but wtf is a kid supposed to see when they see someone getting multi-holed?

I don't know how hardcore the videos were but it would be kind of hard to explain some of the things I've seen on the internet to a 3-5 year old that would be watching Sesame Street. Having a "birds & bees" discussion with your kids (which I don't agree is appropriate for the 5 & under crowd) isn't the same as

Nothing they've done in any of the setup movies has lead me to believe that the Avengers movie would be anything but good. I have very high hopes.

We get our Ribeyes at Costco, but they are these huge chunks of meat (20+oz each) and three to a pack. We just ask the butchers there to half each steak so we get 6 servings and they do it no problem.

my URL is different than yours, Giz pulled a fast one one me ;-)

I like Iron Man 2, but I think there are several superhero sequels that were better than the first movie:

After all of the bad movies that I've read good reviews for here you have that much hate for Iron Man 2? It wasn't as good as the first, which sequels rarely are, but it was a fun movie in it's own right.

Netflix has been on a roll...I just went through and queued up Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Parenthood, Louie and a bunch of others.

Quote fail, that's not what the headline said. Good job misquoting when bitching about the article misquoting someone else.

My first was the single core mini in 2006. I really didn't like the HW on that mini. It was SLLLOOOOOWWWW, but I was afraid I wouldn't like OS X or it wouldn't do what I needed.

Aren't they ALL pretty much Chinese tablets?

I like Luke Cage, but I'd want a full blown Heros for Hire movie with Iron Fist too.

I see these comments all the time, after somebody clicked through and read the story. If nobody clicked and commented on these stories then they'd probably stop posting them.

If you can't see a compelling reason, then WP7 (and iOS for that matter) probably isn't for you. Android is for people that enjoy rooting their phones and don't mind a few strange behaviors as long as they have complete control. WP7, much like iOS, is for your average consumer that just wants a phone that works as

I think that we can all agree that would only lead to a love triangle...wait, actually by that point it would be a love pentagon.

We get it, you're cool & original. I'm sure you only listen to bands that the rest of us have never heard of.

EXACTLY. Just because it was popular doesn't make it a bad song.

I've always gotten the feeling that Kurt drove Nirvana, whereas AiC was more of a partnership between Layne & Cantrell...just my .02.